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Vibes for Charlotte & Princess Caramel please. U/D Bad News :'(

I am just setting up a bed next to her. The mess she made from fitting was unreal, there was stuff EVERYTWHERE all kicked out of her cage and Chance was looking totally gone out at her. Then she ran all round the room, on the laminate and everything, which she doesn't do. The screams were awful and I can't thank Alex enough.. he was great and just sat talking to her and stroking her. I shouted Damien down and rang vet. IT all happened so fast. I am devastated. Something is going on and I don't know what. She has been ill on and 0ff for a week now.

She is sat snuggled into m leg as we speak. How will I live without this girl?
I am just setting up a bed next to her. The mess she made from fitting was unreal, there was stuff EVERYTWHERE all kicked out of her cage and Chance was looking totally gone out at her. Then she ran all round the room, on the laminate and everything, which she doesn't do. The screams were awful and I can't thank Alex enough.. he was great and just sat talking to her and stroking her. I shouted Damien down and rang vet. IT all happened so fast. I am devastated. Something is going on and I don't know what. She has been ill on and 0ff for a week now.

She is sat snuggled into m leg as we speak. How will I live without this girl?

God, that sounds so scary, poor little Prin. I imagine it's just one big headf**k for you, maybe you should've asked for a bit extra diazipam for yourself! aww, I really prays she gets better, it's not her time yet, she's fighting it.
Oh no.i,m sorry.Your going to be in a state,i would be too.I know its not the same but it is if you know what i mean but i've got a sick bird and i can't sleep am sitting in living room with computer,was in tears earlier.He's on meds n that.I often wonder why we have to care so much cos it hurts but then i think if we didn't who would and we wouldn't have all the love and fun and hurt we have with our animals otherwise.She'll be zonked with the diazipam.
Oh no :cry::cry:

When Eddie started to have seizures I really thought it was the end. BUT after 2 months of Panacur, 6 weeks of Baytril and Metacam he stopped having the fits. He has some permanent brain damage and we dont know what the primary cause of the fits was ( EC ? Brain abscess ?............ ) So far he has been off all meds for a couple of months and is doing OK.

If Princess is still holding on then do ask the Vet about abx and anti-inflams too. Just try to cover all bases

Sending millions of vibes for Princess

She is cuddled on the end of my duvet... infront of the fire. She still seems out of it.

Thanks Jane that seems encouraging.
oh no poor princess :cry::cry:

sending lots of get well vibes.. xxxxxxxxx

shes beat worse remember charlotte, dont think shes at the end until your vet has figured out what caused it... hope you can get some sleep today hun xxx
Well this is just great I have got my mother on the phone who says that I shouldn't have rabbits, they are not healthy for me. I have had enough.
awww hun she knows nothing :( no matter what happens you and princess have a very special bond that noone else could possibly understand unless they have the same rabbit/human bond... without the rabbits you wouldnt be you so they are very good for you xxx
Well this is just great I have got my mother on the phone who says that I shouldn't have rabbits, they are not healthy for me. I have had enough.

:roll::roll: Well thats all you need isnt it! Just try and ignore her, and concentrate on Princess C and yourself. I've only just seen this. It must have been awful for you to witness :cry:

I wish there was something i could do to make everything better but all i can do is say i'm thinking of you both and vibing like mad! xxxxx
Thank you guys. All I get since she has been ill is everyone making me feel guilty for having rabbits. I just don't know what I would do without this place. Thankyou.
She just seems to be in so much pain despite pain killers and is doing a weird thing with her teeth. I jus don't know. I breathing seems shallow and more rapid than usual. I don't know how much more of this I can take.