• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Spare vibes for Lillian please U/D on page 4

Sending lots of vibes for Lillian and her humans. I hope she is well enough to come home tomorrow. My Daughter was born by Venthouse too. Hope you have a restful night.
I hope that Lillian has had as comfortable night as possible. Just a thought, but could she actually have passed a urolith (bladder stone) , so there would be no evidence of any on X-ray. But passing the stone damaged her urethra ? The urolith may not even have had to be big, just very sharp edged. I would certainly want the Exotics Specialists opinion on it.

Topping up the vibes :love:
Thank you Jane - as always your advice and amazing perception is really appreciated.
I will speak to the vet specialist at some point today if she is there (she works part time), and I’ll raise this as a possible. She was speaking to a well respected national specialist in Newmarket last night about Lillian’s case and some possible alternative treatments including one that is used on cars to help with bladder issues as apparently cats are very prone to bladder complaints. So I am confident our vets are exploring many different solutions.
I’ve not seen any evidence myself of any stone - but she could have passed one without me knowing. She was x-rayed a month ago and that showed nothing.
I’m leaning towards the infection diagnosis because of how Lillian presented but I can also see your logic for a possible stone.
We’ve not had any update during the night and I’ve had about 2 hours sleep and when I did sleep I just had bad dreams about rabbits and stuff which was obviously playing on my mind. And I’ve been up since 4am as the shop opposite had their shop alarm went off at 4am which is the third time in the last 6 months so I’m going to go to war with the shop about that.
I’m running on empty at the moment despite energy drinks and tablets and it’s going to be a long day.
Leo is not himself at all. He’s nibbled at parsley and scoffed a few treats but he’s very withdrawn.
Will update later - and thank you again Jane.
Craig x
Thank you Jane - as always your advice and amazing perception is really appreciated.
I will speak to the vet specialist at some point today if she is there (she works part time), and I’ll raise this as a possible. She was speaking to a well respected national specialist in Newmarket last night about Lillian’s case and some possible alternative treatments including one that is used on cars to help with bladder issues as apparently cats are very prone to bladder complaints. So I am confident our vets are exploring many different solutions.
I’ve not seen any evidence myself of any stone - but she could have passed one without me knowing. She was x-rayed a month ago and that showed nothing.
I’m leaning towards the infection diagnosis because of how Lillian presented but I can also see your logic for a possible stone.
We’ve not had any update during the night and I’ve had about 2 hours sleep and when I did sleep I just had bad dreams about rabbits and stuff which was obviously playing on my mind. And I’ve been up since 4am as the shop opposite had their shop alarm went off at 4am which is the third time in the last 6 months so I’m going to go to war with the shop about that.
I’m running on empty at the moment despite energy drinks and tablets and it’s going to be a long day.
Leo is not himself at all. He’s nibbled at parsley and scoffed a few treats but he’s very withdrawn.
Will update later - and thank you again Jane.
Craig x

Iain Cope ?

Hope this morning's update from the Vet brings good news :)
Very quick update - nurse just rang. Lillian has had a very comfortable night in hospital. She’s had pain relief and is eating - nurse said she does like her fresh greens!
She’s lying round looking comfortable and peeing - normal colour (thank goodness) and pooping ok.
Vet will call after 10 with the plan for Lillian’s discharge and how to move forward so all being well we should have Lillian back today at some point.
Leo will be super excited.
Thank you for all your vibes - they have certainly worked.
Craig xx
That's really good news! =) I'm glad she's had a comfortable night and is eating. And I'm glad for all of you that you'll likely have her back today.
Glad you've had some positive news about Lillian this morning. Do you know if they have tested her urine for infection?
Vet just rang. Lillian is coming home this evening. She has to stay for the day and be monitored and have an abx jab at 4pm and another tomorrow. We’ll pick her up at 6pm. Lillian is making rapid progress with no evidence at all of blood so she has really responded amazingly.
Leo is currently staring out of the back kitchen door wondering where Lillian is- poor little bun.
I’ll update once we have Lillian home tonight.
Craig x
Oh Craig what a ride you and Lillian have been on in the last days. Topping up the vibes and so glad that you are picking her up at 6pm x
So pleased that Lillian is doing well, and that she will be home later. Bless little Leo, she'll soon be home ! xx
7pm update for everyone. Well, Lillian is home safe and sound. And snuggled up under the table. Bunny behaviour is always fascinating and those that do not own rabbits cannot understand just how sensitive and incredibly simbient beings they are. Observing Leo's behaviour, and getting reports from my wife and son whilst I was at work, I have concluded that Leo is in fact a very vulnerable and unconfident rabbit who has and does rely on the comfort of humans and of course other rabbits - which is why Lillian is so important in his life. When my wife and son came back from being out briefly today, Leo immediately started to eat whereas he had been very withdrawn. The comfort of other beings gave Leo the confidence to eat. His behaviour without Lillian is markedly different.
We had a brief chat with the vet and nurse. The vets are of the opinion that our son was responisble in no small way for Lillian being here now. Had he not been here, it could and probably would have been very different. The fact I was able to get her to the vet and treated within an hour meant that Lillian was able to respond very quickly and gave the meds the maximum time to work. I discussed how upset I was at what I perceived as alot of blood yesterday and how it might not have been as bad as I had described. The vet disagreed and she said in her own view that there was alot of blood - hence the praise on our son for acting so quickly.
Lillian has made an amazing and rapid recovery from what is diagnosed as accute cystitus. I wasn't able to discuss with the exotic specialist as she was not there today.
We have some cystitus powder stuff to give Lillian - which was suggested we give via mashed banana. Unfortunately we are unable to have banana in the house as our son as an extreme phobia towards bananas!
So I'll chop up some pear - since Lillian likes pear, and mash that up. She has another injection due tomorrow of antibiotic and I'm not sure if we als have one on Friday. I'm taking it one day at a time right now. The bill came to one and a half grand - which was also from the various episodes during the last 8 weeks. I was already feeling tired - and that bill pretty much finished me off.
When we got home - well, you realise why you are a pet owner and why you do what you do. Lillian was very aware of where she was and she came out of the carrier, passed the food plate, stopped, tucked in then went to see Leo who was very different and so visibly delighted to see Lillian. Lillian then came in the living room and began tucking into some fresh greens and herbs whilst Leo began giving her a thorough wash. It was a very moving and intimate moment to watch. Lillian was moving without any sign of discomfort and has been to the toilet already. They are both now very relaxed and lying near my wifes feet by the dining table - which they do every night. Very much life as it was 2 nights ago. We'll make her as warm and comfortable as possible tonight.
Leo has popped over for a quick cuddle and stroke from me.
Life is never normal with any pet, moreso with rabbits who don't vocalise and who also hide illness and injury. It is not easy - not at all. Its a constant sacrifice but one I do/we do for the benefit and welfare of those rabbits we care for and to give them the best life they deserve. In Lillians case, it's always going to be a struggle now with the bladder which is clearly her achilies heel. Monitoring an organ that you cannot see is going to be challenging but the vets do have some meds in their armoury to support Lillian and we'll just have to try those and see how it goes.
I am eternally greatful not only for the vibes that everyone has so freely given, but for the countless support and advice that everyone gives and contributes. It helps so very much.
I'll post some photos when I get the chance - I'm a tad tired now and bed beckons soon as I have a stonky headache and I've had about 2 hours kip.
Thank you so much for Lillians vibes.
Craig xx
I'm so glad Lillian is home and back together with Leo. It really sounds like he missed her a lot, and needs her company to feel comfortable and confident, like you observed. It's so, so good that your son acted the way he did, letting you know what was going on with Lillian. It sounds amazing that she's now comfortable and active and eating well, considering all she's been through and is still going through. That's such good news. Lots and lots of vibes for her further recovery. :love: No wonder you're tired, though! I hope your headache passes soon. Those photos can wait until you've gotten some rest. =)