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Available Individual: Urgent bunnies needing rehoming U/D photos added

Unless the two I'm currently fostering have gone by then, I can only foster one I'm afraid :cry: if the two boys I'm trying to rehome are gone before you move, I can foster two. So I can take either one or both of your girls. I'm so sorry I can't help with Thumper, but I already have a dental bun of my own & I can't really cope with any more :cry:

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Hi both

Sarah, that is wonderful. Just to know that one of the girls can be helped it so good of you. Would I need to bring her to you? If so, whereabouts are you?

Hopefully there will be someone else who can help with Thumper or Kimmy/Angelika (whichever one Sarah doesn't take).

Also, silly question (I've never had experience of fostering before), but I assume that, whichever bunny Sarah fosters for me, we keep on advertising her on here, for her forever home?

Thank you all so much for your help. And this is also a little bumpety bump for anyone else that can help me. I have literally 3 and half weeks to find them somewhere to go :cry:

Durr, sorry Sarah. I've just seen you're in Sheffield! I don't mind bringing Kimmy or Angelika all the way to you if you like? Would probably be at a weekend though, and I only have 3 of those left. Unless you happen to be down in this direction at all over the next few weeks?

Durr, sorry Sarah. I've just seen you're in Sheffield! I don't mind bringing Kimmy or Angelika all the way to you if you like? Would probably be at a weekend though, and I only have 3 of those left. Unless you happen to be down in this direction at all over the next few weeks?


Oh that would be wonderful if you could bring them :) my dad's moved to chesterfield so it would be a special trip down to you & I try to avoid driving long distances these days after my accident.

This weekend I'm already booked up, but so far either of the following two weekends are free & would be fine :thumb:

Just FYI again, I have one free cage, but it was before I joined here & realised it was too small for a bunny as it's only 3ft. Of course they would be upgraded to the 6ft as soon as my current foster pair are rehomed, but just wanted to make sure you were ok with this before you brought them up.

I feel so bad about not offering for Thumper, reading about him, he sounds such a sweetheart :love::cry: it wouldn't be a problem, but I couldn't afford the vet bills if he had problems again whilst he was with me as I think Blackavar will probably be having another dental in the next few weeks & when I booked my holiday, I forgot I'd already booked the decorator to do my house in October :?

And yes, I would care for them & they would continue to be advertised on here & I can get in touch with rescues to try & find a space too. Just solves your housing crisis :thumb: I've been there with a divorce & having to relocate to a tiny flat & having to leave my bunny behind so I understand what you're going through. Hugs xx

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Aww, yes Thumper is gorgeous!! I love his little squishy face so much! That's great! I'm busy this weekend too, and possibly next because I will need to get the vaccinations done before bringing anyone to you, which I can only do at weekends. Might be able to do that next Saturday morning (1st September), then I have an appointment at 1.30pm for a couple of hours, but then could bring a girly after that? So would be with you early evening. I'll be in touch next week with the finer points! If I can't do next weekend, I'll definitely do the weekend after. Or one night in the week. Thank you so much Sarah. You're so kind.

Still searching for 2 more homes though (if anyone else can help me?)

Not a problem, I'll PM you my number so we can text/call if that's easier & not cluttering up your rehoming thread :lol: I will take whichever bunny has not already been offered a home by the time it comes for them to come live with me. They will also be indoors so unless they are snapped up before winter, they would probably need an indoor home until at least next spring/summer xx

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Hello, Just a thought. If you do get stuck, have you tried the Blue Cross, RSPCA or PDSA for help with vaccinations, etc? They will help people on low incomes and even offer treatments and vaccs for donations. Also, if you still have 2 buns you are trying to rehome, even in a flat with enough pen space, they could free range in the pen by day and keep each other company, as long as you could let them out in the evenings and feed and home them. It's just a thought. I'm sure you would miss them awfully and trying to think of ways around the situation if they can't all be rehomed.
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I know the rescue I help raise money for never turns any animals away, they are in Swanley though so about a 2 hour journey. They are a a really lovely rescue with lots of different animals.

Here's the page just in case you don't find a home for them.


So sorry to hear of your predicament :(

Unfortunately, as stated in their adoption contracts, Kimmy and Angelika will both have to come back to me at Starlight's.

I can be contacted via email at: xxdarkangel_punkpixiexx@hotmail.co.uk or phone on 07810341925 (please leave a message if there is no answer, and I will get back to you.)

Kris x
I thought your rescue was now closed?

I am as a rescue, but when closing made a statement that all adoption's made through me would continue to have lifetime back up & all contracts would still stand if for any reason any of the rabbits found they needed a home down the line. :wave:
Hi Kris

So lovely to hear from you. And I'm so sorry I am letting Kimmy and Angelika down like this. It's breaking my heart. I'll pm you.

Sarah - both of the girls will be going back to Kris at Starlights, so thank you for you kind offer to foster one of them for me, but they are sorted now.

I just need to find someone who can help me with Thumper

Hi how are things? Hope you are feeling more positive about your new home and have found a solution for Thumper :)

Hi Sierra

Hmmmmm, not feeling much better to be honest. I am so stressed out. I am now on anti-depressants, and I am awaiting counselling from my doctors to help me come to terms with the other issues relating to my marriage which I'd rather not go into. I am hoping all of this will make a big difference to my anxiety.

For now, I have decided that if no-one can help with my gorgeous little Thumper boy, then I will take him with me to the flat. He will become a housebunny. Or rather a flatbunny! I have rehomed one of my cats, and will have to rehome the other because there is no way I can inflict life in a flat on cats that have been used to to the freedom of the outside world. So, as they have to go, I will only be left with Thumper. And I think he will be happier as a housebunny anyway.

So that is my plan. I am taking Kimmy and Angelika back to Kris at Starlights in Essex on Saturday.

I can't thank everyone enough for their help and support.

I know I will get through this and come out the other side, as I have so much support. I will just be so glad when it is all over and hopefully my life will calm down. Well, for a while at least.

Thank you RU, as ever

Kerina xxx
Fantastic, I'm sure Thumper will love the extra attention you will be able to give him, and it will be lovely for you to have a furry friend with you in your new home, I find them such a comfort when I'm feeling down.
Glad to hear that Kimmy and Angelika will be safe and well looked after :)
Hope things settle down for you soon xx
Awwww. It sounds like Thumper is going to be a very lucky rabbit. I loved having mine indoors ... you get a much closer bond with them I think (I spent loads more time with them when they were inside).