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Abcess or possible tumour - UPDATE


Mama Doe
After 2.5 weeks of antibiotics twice a day betsy seems to have made an amazing recovery! I’ve just got back from the vets who seemed genuinely amazed she has recovered so well. No pus oozing out. Swelling has gone down and lumps have reduced. There is still a swollen lump near her bottom but it doesn’t seem sore to the touch and it is fairly squashy so the vet isn’t concerned.
The sore skin on her stomach has healed. The lump may possibly still be a tumour and I will monitor it but the main aim of the treatment was to remove the infection which has now gone. I have decided I won’t operate on her to remove a tumour if that’s what it is due to the area it is in. She will be 9 in august, still a feisty girl and seems happy so I’ll just keep her happy and keep my eye on her.

There were a couple of poos stuck to her which weren’t there first thing this morning so I have been told to give her a wash every couple of days or more often if she is getting poo stuck. Also warned about fly strike and I’ve got some rearguard. I’ve never had to use that before as never had a problem with any of my bunnies and never felt the need to use it as a preventative measure. It’s so expensive!!!

I haven’t posted here for a while.
Betsy is 8.5. She has always been healthy.
I found a lump on her on Monday. I wondered if it was poo but it was a light colour.
I don’t check her over all that often, she doesn’t particularly like being handled and it stresses her out a bit. She is usually just released from the hutch into the garden, although I have had to start putting her in the run recently due to my neighbour removing the fence as he is having building work so we noticed this lump.

Took her to the vets Monday. Turns out the lump is matted hair, wee and pus! She has pus leaking out of her genitals and the vet said she could feel a lump inside her and thinks it’s an abcess but no wound or exit wound for the abcess. Vet gave me 5 days of antibiotics and see how it goes.

Back to the vets this morning. There is still pus but it is clearer and not as thick. Swelling has reduced. One side the lump has got softer but it seems there are 2 lumps and the other one is firmer.

2 options - continue with another 10 days of antibiotics and hope it improves. The other option is to test the lump to see if it is a tumour.

I have decided to continue the antibiotics for now and reassess in 10 days. If it is a tumour I’m not sure if I would have her operated on to remove it. After discussion with the vet, a possible tumour could be connected to anything inside her and the vet said if it was connected to say, her bladder, they couldn’t remove it. It’s quite an invasive operation for a bunny her age I think. She is bright, active and eating. She was fighting her bunny boyfriend for the veg yesterday. Poor Bertie kept getting pushed out of the way so she could eat it first. She hasn’t lost any weight. She would need treating with antibiotics anyway so we are continuing with this.

I’m really not sure what to do. I wonder if I would prefer to not know it is a tumour and just try and sort out this current infection and just let her carry on how she is. She is hopping around, eating and appears fine. She is happy cuddling up to Bertie and cleaning him.
Im not sure finding out it is a tumour would change anything for me treatment wise due to where it is.

She is spayed, which ruled those sorts of tumours and infections out for the vet.

Has anyone had any lumps like this with their rabbits? What did you do?
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I think you are doing the right thing for now ie carrying on with the abx and monitoring her. If she gets worse or seems to be in pain then you will have to take her back to the Vets. Hope everything will be ok.
Thank you for your reply tonibun.

I just feel so bad I didn’t notice it sooner :( but from the looks of it the vet said it has probably only just recently popped and started leaking pus so i wouldn’t have noticed it sooner as it’s internal.

She has a check up at the vets mid January and no lumps felt then.
She will need regular ie twice daily bum checks as she’s at very high risk of flystrike.

Has the matted fur been clipped away?
yes the vet clipped the matted fur away on Monday but couldn’t get it all as the fur had got wet and the clippers wouldn’t go through it. She managed to get the remainder off this morning. As she is being medicated twice a day we are checking her bum now when we get her out.
Betsy seems to be doing well with the antibiotics. She is stubborn though and we have to tap her on the nose to make her jump so she swallows them!
Still eating loads and has been hopping around in the run and in the tubes so I’m hoping this is all good signs and she doesn’t feel too bad.
Ah, I put the update at the top in the original post :)

After 2.5 weeks of antibiotics twice a day betsy seems to have made an amazing recovery! I’ve just got back from the vets who seemed genuinely amazed she has recovered so well. No pus oozing out. Swelling has gone down and lumps have reduced. There is still a swollen lump near her bottom but it doesn’t seem sore to the touch and it is fairly squashy so the vet isn’t concerned.
The sore skin on her stomach has healed. The lump may possibly still be a tumour and I will monitor it but the main aim of the treatment was to remove the infection which has now gone. I have decided I won’t operate on her to remove a tumour if that’s what it is due to the area it is in. She will be 9 in august, still a feisty girl and seems happy so I’ll just keep her happy and keep my eye on her.

There were a couple of poos stuck to her which weren’t there first thing this morning so I have been told to give her a wash every couple of days or more often if she is getting poo stuck. Also warned about fly strike and I’ve got some rearguard. I’ve never had to use that before as never had a problem with any of my bunnies and never felt the need to use it as a preventative measure. It’s so expensive!!!
Ah, I put the update at the top in the original post :)

After 2.5 weeks of antibiotics twice a day betsy seems to have made an amazing recovery! I’ve just got back from the vets who seemed genuinely amazed she has recovered so well. No pus oozing out. Swelling has gone down and lumps have reduced. There is still a swollen lump near her bottom but it doesn’t seem sore to the touch and it is fairly squashy so the vet isn’t concerned.
The sore skin on her stomach has healed. The lump may possibly still be a tumour and I will monitor it but the main aim of the treatment was to remove the infection which has now gone. I have decided I won’t operate on her to remove a tumour if that’s what it is due to the area it is in. She will be 9 in august, still a feisty girl and seems happy so I’ll just keep her happy and keep my eye on her.

There were a couple of poos stuck to her which weren’t there first thing this morning so I have been told to give her a wash every couple of days or more often if she is getting poo stuck. Also warned about fly strike and I’ve got some rearguard. I’ve never had to use that before as never had a problem with any of my bunnies and never felt the need to use it as a preventative measure. It’s so expensive!!!
brilliant update, its always lovely when a rabbits recovery surpasses your vets expectations
This is much easier and cheaper to use than Rearguard:
f10 germicidal wound spray with insecticide

It can be used on any part of the skin and on broken skin (which Rearguard can't). Use as needed (eg daily after bum bath). I used to give a squirt on open face wounds (after jaw abscess surgery) daily on a couple of outdoor rabbits. It doesn't affect appetite - which is another downside of Rearguard. Just make sure that cats can't come into contact with anywhere that it may be on (eg rubbed off) as it's toxic to them.

This is much easier and cheaper to use than Rearguard:
f10 germicidal wound spray with insecticide

It can be used on any part of the skin and on broken skin (which Rearguard can't). Use as needed (eg daily after bum bath). I used to give a squirt on open face wounds (after jaw abscess surgery) daily on a couple of outdoor rabbits. It doesn't affect appetite - which is another downside of Rearguard. Just make sure that cats can't come into contact with anywhere that it may be on (eg rubbed off) as it's toxic to them.

Thank you. I’ll get some of that and try it.

I do have a cat. She has decided that she is now mainly an indoor cat. She is 15 and doesn’t like the cold and wet but might fancy a sunbathe in the garden on hot days. She won’t come into close contact with the rabbits as they live outdoors so it should be ok. I’ll make sure to clear up any splashes after the bottom baths just in case.

Betsy is overweight according to the vets (I think she looks perfect! She is 2.3 kilos and a nice rabbit shape and size) so if she does lose her appetite for a while she has a little bit of leeway on the weight. She loves her food and I think it would take a lot to put her off it but I will keep an eye on it.

I do think she hates me after all that medication and she is going to hate me even more with the continued bum washing!
Rearguard is a single dose / use bottle. It lasts about a month (not checked the directions for use recently) as long as it isn't washed off - so needs redoing eg after a bum bath. I found it really difficult to apply as well, and it badly affected to appetite of the rabbit it was intended to be used on (which is a well known side effect and can be a major isssue if it leads to gut stasis). One of my vet nurses recommended the F10 product and I never looked back.

Don't use both products together.
I am so pleased Bunny is much better. Well done! Maybe if she is keeping clean at the rear end you don't need to wash her so much. Just keep an eye on her.
The abscess is back :(
It must have just started to drain as she was fine monday. I’ve been at work all week so husband has been in charge and he isn’t good with bum checks. He would have noticed something obvious though. He put her out in the run earlier, I’ve checked her when putting her back and there is some matted fur again.
I’m going to have to call the vets tomorrow for more antibiotics.