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Abcess or possible tumour - UPDATE

It drains out of her genitals so we don’t know it’s there until it starts to drain :(
It sounds as though it would require surgical removal. Which is usually the case with Rabbit abscesses. Unless the entire abscess capsule and a healthy tissue margin is removed they often recur.

Sending vibes for her x
Poor Betsy.
I’ve got abx, metacam and some antiseptic wash for her bottom. I’ve just washed her and poor baby is bleeding a bit :( it’s very sore. I’m struggling to get the matted bits out. The vet did it last time. This time the vet was on her own so couldn’t do it.

Vet wasn’t all that sympathetic, although I get she was being realistic. She said if there is no improvement by middle of the week I should consider pts :( she thinks it is likely to keep reoccurring and knocking her immune system each time.

She is now on the grass in her run. She has eaten some which is good and she is actually cleaning her bottom!
It sounds as though it would require surgical removal. Which is usually the case with Rabbit abscesses. Unless the entire abscess capsule and a healthy tissue margin is removed they often recur.

Sending vibes for her x
This was discussed last time but because of her age (nearly 9) and the location (they believe somewhere near her bladder) it was decided it would be too much of an op for her. Last time we were happy it seemed to have gone but there was another lump there that possibly was a tumour - now I’m wondering whether it was a second abcess that because it hadn’t popped. The abx couldn’t penetrate
This was discussed last time but because of her age (nearly 9) and the location (they believe somewhere near her bladder) it was decided it would be too much of an op for her. Last time we were happy it seemed to have gone but there was another lump there that possibly was a tumour - now I’m wondering whether it was a second abcess that because it hadn’t popped. The abx couldn’t penetrate
She might need to remain on long term abx if surgery is not an option. Rabbit pus is very thick and once encapsulated in a thick walled abscess systemic abx seldom totally resolve the infection. But longterm abx can keep the infection under control for a while. So more palliative care than any potential cure.
She might need to remain on long term abx if surgery is not an option. Rabbit pus is very thick and once encapsulated in a thick walled abscess systemic abx seldom totally resolve the infection. But longterm abx can keep the infection under control for a while. So more palliative care than any potential cure.
Sadly I do think it’s going to be palliative care :(
I’ve got 2.5 weeks of abx and vet said if we see improvements just carry on and then book in again after that bottle is finished