background incase you dont know..
Tuesday (7th) i rushed her to the vets because she was rapid breathing, nose pointing to the air and mouth was slightly open and she was making a snorting type of noise.

she was given a 5 day course of Baytril... later on that week she still wasnt right so we got an appointment on Saturday and one booked today with the exotics vet... Sat she was given an injection and was monitored for the day at the vets, she didn't show any of the symptoms while she was there :?
Monday the snorting started again so i assume this is because the injection had worn off

today shes had a thorough check again, still not showing the vet symptoms.. she hasnt lost any weight, her lungs were clear and her temp was only slightly higher than normal, so she has been sent away with the same injection again, incase its just an allergy but shes booked in for Xrays and blood tests on thursday if she doesn't improve, if she does i will be given a course of medication for her.. the vet did agree she was breathing a bit too fast tho.. i wont know till Thursday after shes been examined again what they are going to do...
please send lots of vibes my baby girl doesn't have something really nasty going on

Tuesday (7th) i rushed her to the vets because she was rapid breathing, nose pointing to the air and mouth was slightly open and she was making a snorting type of noise.
she was given a 5 day course of Baytril... later on that week she still wasnt right so we got an appointment on Saturday and one booked today with the exotics vet... Sat she was given an injection and was monitored for the day at the vets, she didn't show any of the symptoms while she was there :?
Monday the snorting started again so i assume this is because the injection had worn off
today shes had a thorough check again, still not showing the vet symptoms.. she hasnt lost any weight, her lungs were clear and her temp was only slightly higher than normal, so she has been sent away with the same injection again, incase its just an allergy but shes booked in for Xrays and blood tests on thursday if she doesn't improve, if she does i will be given a course of medication for her.. the vet did agree she was breathing a bit too fast tho.. i wont know till Thursday after shes been examined again what they are going to do...
please send lots of vibes my baby girl doesn't have something really nasty going on
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