Pearl. June 2007 - 8th April 2010


Wise Old Thumper
background incase you dont know..

Tuesday (7th) i rushed her to the vets because she was rapid breathing, nose pointing to the air and mouth was slightly open and she was making a snorting type of noise. :cry::cry::cry:

she was given a 5 day course of Baytril... later on that week she still wasnt right so we got an appointment on Saturday and one booked today with the exotics vet... Sat she was given an injection and was monitored for the day at the vets, she didn't show any of the symptoms while she was there :?

Monday the snorting started again so i assume this is because the injection had worn off :cry::cry:

today shes had a thorough check again, still not showing the vet symptoms.. she hasnt lost any weight, her lungs were clear and her temp was only slightly higher than normal, so she has been sent away with the same injection again, incase its just an allergy but shes booked in for Xrays and blood tests on thursday if she doesn't improve, if she does i will be given a course of medication for her.. the vet did agree she was breathing a bit too fast tho.. i wont know till Thursday after shes been examined again what they are going to do...

please send lots of vibes my baby girl doesn't have something really nasty going on :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
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Sending lots of vibes for Pearl, i do hope everything will be ok :( All paws are crossed here xXx
You have 2 buns that obviously want to keep you on your toes at the minute :shock:

I hope Pearl is ok, we are sending loads of snuggles and vibes to pearl and a big hug to you xxxxxx
well i spoke to Lou (doorkeeper) earlier about her beautiful Pearl :( and atleast one of the buns i love more than life is good and well....

my lovely sponsor bun Loki is really happy and healthy right now :love::love::love:

Pearl is pigging out on hay as i type, so her appetite appears to be as fantastic as ever, shes loving (even after a vets visit) and does little binky shakes :love:... i adore this girl and even if she is feeling down shes putting on a great big brave face for her mummy :love::love::love::love:
my stomach is churning so bad.... im really scared of what they will find :cry::cry::cry:

That's the downside of keeping rabbits :cry::cry: Luckily the upsides more than compensate :love::love:

I hope she's okay *vibes*, the stress of both of them unwell must be horrendous .... how do people cope with 10+ of them :shock:
aw sending loads of vibes pearls way and i hope the xrays and bloods give you some indication as to what's going on.
Oh hun I'm glad you posted this. Exactly the same thing happened to Tika. She was on Baytril but even now is still doing the head thing.

They can't find anything wrong and it does seem to be only when the pollen is high! So she is indoors on fleece and that has really helped.

It's a strange one, rabbits don't usually do this. Check her nose, does she have clear liquid coming from it?

(((Hugs))) I was so scared too, Tika is only a Nethie but she is my little mate, my first bunny couldn't bare to lose her. xxx
Oh hun I'm glad you posted this. Exactly the same thing happened to Tika. She was on Baytril but even now is still doing the head thing.

They can't find anything wrong and it does seem to be only when the pollen is high! So she is indoors on fleece and that has really helped.

It's a strange one, rabbits don't usually do this. Check her nose, does she have clear liquid coming from it?

(((Hugs))) I was so scared too, Tika is only a Nethie but she is my little mate, my first bunny couldn't bare to lose her. xxx

Really glad you posted this. Dylan is just the same, I am convinced it is the same pollen that my sister is allergic to as when she is bad with Hayfever, I can gaurentee that Dylan will sneeze & snuffle all day. She has quite bad discharge sometimes & shes been down the vets with it before & put on baytril. I dont take her now unless shes not herself, it literally just passes. Really hope its something similar with Pearl Donna, Its horrible when you know somethings wrong but nobody knows what! Hugs hun xx
Really hope everything ok and its just a little bit of hay fever?! Good luck beautiful Pearl lots of vibes ~~~~
Can rabbits have antihystamine (sp) ? If so wouldn't it prove it to an allergic reaction (hayfever) if she responded well to it?