New boys in town

I got Horrible with photos....Anyway Brko is doing just fine. After antibiotics, metacam and Panacur he has slight tilt of head but most people just don't see it. He is fine, happy chappy. And his personal record- it has been more than a year now since his dental (extraction and burring). SO I'm suprised to say the least. Sherlock had his dental work in monday. I choose to drove him aprox 1 hour to specialised clinic and not nearby clinic that also does burring rabbits teeth. And I'm happy that I did as he got way less scared home. Meaning, they know better how to handle scared rabbits.

Great to hear that Brko is doing well now, he’s such a brave boy :love:
Also good to hear that Sherlock’s dental went well.
I hope you and your baby are OK , it’s good to hear from you again :D
It is good Brko is now doing well and did not need another dental yet.
Sending positive vibes that Sherlock recovers well from his dental at the specialist.
Super to hear from you again :love:

Great also that Sherlock's dental went well and that Brko is a healthy bunny :love:
Oh my oh my. Time flies so fast. We do not have a third bunny. The "watson" has been adopted before we got back from vaccation. BUT we do have a KITTEN. 2 month old, full of intestinal parasites and flees. SO he is in isolation, and I'm treating him, cleaning everything. Las monday the kiten (Mr.Mjav) mannaget to get under the hood of a car and drove with my man home...The next day I thought I gone crazy with hearings...But nope. A very much alive and small kitten was there, hidden so that neighbpour dog vizsla had to help me find him....After he gets his clean bill of health I will try with introduction and suprvision. Let's see wher the road takes us.

Oh the 16 month old toddler loves the kibble time for bunnies. She is the one feeding them one piece by one. And she can be very gentle and Brko lets her stroke him.
Oh my oh my. Time flies so fast. We do not have a third bunny. The "watson" has been adopted before we got back from vaccation. BUT we do have a KITTEN. 2 month old, full of intestinal parasites and flees. SO he is in isolation, and I'm treating him, cleaning everything. Las monday the kiten (Mr.Mjav) mannaget to get under the hood of a car and drove with my man home...The next day I thought I gone crazy with hearings...But nope. A very much alive and small kitten was there, hidden so that neighbpour dog vizsla had to help me find him....After he gets his clean bill of health I will try with introduction and suprvision. Let's see wher the road takes us.

Oh the 16 month old toddler loves the kibble time for bunnies. She is the one feeding them one piece by one. And she can be very gentle and Brko lets her stroke him.
So lovely to hear from you again 😀 Sorry you missed out on adopting a third Bunny, but it sounds as though the kitten badly needed a good home. And what an adventure he’s already had 😳 I am glad he is OK after his travels.

Cant believe that your baby is 16 months old now. I am sure that you are kept on your toes keeping up with her x
So here is Brko (not the best photo)...Brko is now everyday on Loxicom due to his teeth problem + Pantoprazol for protecion of his stomach. He eats very little to none of hay. And mostly herbs, fresh veggies, more pellets. He is also not a fan of a kitten but that is no surprise.
After meds

Chillin with me