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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Something is going wrong

Sending lots of positive vibes for Cookie.
Thank you so much 🩷

I wouldnt syringe water at this stage. Just measure the amount he drinks over a 24 hr period for the next 3-4 days. Average water intake for a Rabbit is 50ml-100ml/kg/day. Rabbits will drink less if they eat a lot of fresh veg and grass. Monitor his wee output too.

It’s normal for water intake to vary. Some days we can feel more or less thirsty, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem.

Suddenly drinking lots of water every day does need investigation. Suddenly drinking nothing and not urinating also needs investigating by a Vet.
Thank you so much for your answer Jane, then I'll just watch 🩷🩷
How has Cookie been doing today? About the drinking, both Casper and Sophie stop drinking when they're feeling unwell, but I don't know why that is. I've had the same experience with other bunnies in the past. It's always a sign that they feel better when they start drinking again. Sending Cookie lots of vibes.
How has Cookie been doing today? About the drinking, both Casper and Sophie stop drinking when they're feeling unwell, but I don't know why that is. I've had the same experience with other bunnies in the past. It's always a sign that they feel better when they start drinking again. Sending Cookie lots of vibes.
Thank you for asking and thank you for this information 🩷🩷
Frankly he was fine that morning, but his poops are still the same small. Sometimes I see that the poops are extremely small, sometimes I see that they are little large but more properly shaped. His condition is still unstable. He hasn't visited the litter tray or eaten hay yet this evening, and I caught him in the hunched position, with his ears laid back. That's why I decided to definitely start him on emeprid this evening, because my hope that he will get better without medication has diminished. My only concern is whether there is another hidden disease underneath this, I hope there isn't.I hope it goes well, thank you for asking again ☹️🩷
Thank you for asking and thank you for this information 🩷🩷
Frankly he was fine that morning, but his poops are still the same small. Sometimes I see that the poops are extremely small, sometimes I see that they are little large but more properly shaped. His condition is still unstable. He hasn't visited the litter tray or eaten hay yet this evening, and I caught him in the hunched position, with his ears laid back. That's why I decided to definitely start him on emeprid this evening, because my hope that he will get better without medication has diminished. My only concern is whether there is another hidden disease underneath this, I hope there isn't.I hope it goes well, thank you for asking again ☹️🩷
Aw, that sounds a bit worrying. He's clearly not his normal self. I think you did the right thing starting the Emeprid. Did the vet give you pain medication as well?
Aw, that sounds a bit worrying. He's clearly not his normal self. I think you did the right thing starting the Emeprid. Did the vet give you pain medication as well?
I think so too, thank you. But the vet didn't give me painkillers, they just gave me emeprid
Ah, that's unfortunate. When they're not eating like normal they usually have pain somewhere, and the eating less itself can cause pain because their guts will stop working properly. If he's not doing better on just the Emeprid tomorrow, I'd see a weekend vet and see if they think he could use some pain relief.

Did the vet check his teeth yesterday? Since he's reluctant to eat his hay.
Ah, that's unfortunate. When they're not eating like normal they usually have pain somewhere, and the eating less itself can cause pain because their guts will stop working properly. If he's not doing better on just the Emeprid tomorrow, I'd see a weekend vet and see if they think he could use some pain relief.

Did the vet check his teeth yesterday? Since he's reluctant to eat his hay.
Yes, maybe I can call them and ask for painkillers.
The vet did a general examination, they also looked at his teeth, they looked at everything but they said everything was fine, there wasn't even gas in his belly. So that's why I'm a little worried and afraid of the possibility of a hidden disease, bless him. In fact, he eagerly eats cookie vegetables and willow branches and pellets and begs constantly. He also eats hay, but only less than before of course. Actually, his general appetite is good, but he is a little less fond of hay and his poops are small and hard. 😐
Yes, maybe I can call them and ask for painkillers.
The vet did a general examination, they also looked at his teeth, they looked at everything but they said everything was fine, there wasn't even gas in his belly. So that's why I'm a little worried and afraid of the possibility of a hidden disease, bless him. In fact, he eagerly eats cookie vegetables and willow branches and pellets and begs constantly. He also eats hay, but only less than before of course. Actually, his general appetite is good, but he is a little less fond of hay and his poops are small and hard. 😐
Ah, I see. I misunderstood, I thought he wasn't eating much hay at all. I wonder if his poops are small and hard because he doesn't get enough fibre as he's eating less hay. I'd just see if the Emeprid helps, then, and contact your vet on Monday to see what they think. It might still be dental, as they can't see everything in their mouth while the bunny is awake.
Ah, I see. I misunderstood, I thought he wasn't eating much hay at all. I wonder if his poops are small and hard because he doesn't get enough fibre as he's eating less hay. I'd just see if the Emeprid helps, then, and contact your vet on Monday to see what they think. It might still be dental, as they can't see everything in their mouth while the bunny is awake.
There are still too many question marks for me, I hope there is nothing else, emeprid will work and everything will be fine. Otherwise, I am thinking of calling the vet again on monday, thank you for your support 🩷🩷
Sending millions of vibes for Cookie. I hope his poops are better today. Fingers crossed for the vet trip on Monday
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There are still too many question marks for me, I hope there is nothing else, emeprid will work and everything will be fine. Otherwise, I am thinking of calling the vet again on monday, thank you for your support 🩷🩷
I hope the Emeprid will work and everything will be fine, too. Sending little Cookie lots more vibes. How is he doing today?
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I hope the Emeprid will work and everything will be fine, too. Sending little Cookie lots more vibes. How is he doing today?
Thank You. Well Cookie's situation appears to be the same. But today I'm thinking of making some changes. Cookie has many alternative options other than hay, he loved to eat them all and eat hay for hours, but maybe because there is something wrong with his situation, he may be eating less hay because he has turned to other options for the last week, and therefore his intestines may be getting worse, in other words a vicious circle, because there was no problem with his appetite, but he just had a lack of appetite for hay. Maybe he didn't prefer hay much, but since he ate less hay, it probably made a simple situation worse. So I'm going to try to reduce the other options a little bit and encourage him to eat hay, I'm thinking of trying this. Thanks for asking 🩷🩷

Sending vibes for Cookie and you get to the bottom of what's going on with him x
Sending more vibes for Cookie!
Thank You so much 🩷🩷
Something funny just happened. Since there were so many alternatives in Cookie's diet and I wanted to focus on hay, I started to change it up a bit and give less alternatives. Anyway, he ate his vegetables this morning and then went to lay. Then when he woke up, he looked at the vegetable bowl again and when he saw that it was empty(but it was empty because he had already eaten it all), he got angry and suddenly started making grunting sounds. And he went grumbling towards the hay, and for the first few minutes he was still grumbling while eating hay. I really feel like I spoiled him, he's such a spoiled child 😬😬😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hope he will keep up with his hay eating now in order to keep his teeth in good shape and to promote good gut motility 😀