• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Something is going wrong


Warren Veteran
Hello to everyone,
I've been a little worried about Cookie for a few days, at first I tried to go with the flow and watch but I'm so confused.

Normally, I give cookie a slice of banana once a week, but on thursday I gave it a slice of banana again, but I gave it a bigger slice than usual. Thursday and friday everything was normal.
On saturday Cookie was a little quieter, sleeping more than usual. His belly seemed swollen, I wasn't sure if he gained weight or had gas, but his belly was soft and allowed me to touch it.
On sunday, he continued to sleep a lot, but his poops started to get smaller for the first time.
Small poops continued on monday, tuesday and wednesday, but the poop output was to muc in number. But day by day he began to eat less hay and drink water than usual. I haven't seen him drink much water since almost yesterday, he's definitely not drinking water like normal. (Also on monday his belly swollen passed and his belly looked normal). He also eats hay less than before and visits the litter tray less often.

Also, his sneezing and snoring has increased for a while, but since Cookie has chronic sneezing problems, I have a hard time understanding whether he has a respiratory infection or not. But he definitely snores more than usual.

He still has a good appetite, eagerly eating willow brach, pellets, vegetables and begging. He was flopping and laying easily, his belly was soft. But he doesn't have the joy he used to have, he doesn't zoom and binky. But cookie looks completely normal and comfortable, so it's hard to understand

I can't understand what the problem is, I'm very confused, I can't figüre out what's wrong with cookie, I'm thinking of going to urgent vet today.
I can't figure out if the problem is a respiratory infection, a gastric problem, or a kidney problem. There are too many possibilities in my head.
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I don't think he's dehydrated either.

This is the dog pad from yesterday morning until night, he peed a lot and the color is normal


I changed the dog pad and hay at night, this is his pee he made from night until morning
The poops he made last night are the bigger ones, the poops I found from night to morning are the smaller ones Screenshot_2024-04-04-08-29-27-54_99c04817c0de5652397fc8b56c3b3817.jpg
Looks as though he is exhibiting early signs of reduced gut motility and possibly some dehydration. A Vet check today is definitely needed.

I would want the Vet to not only check his abdomen but also his lungs and heart and bladder.

Also check that he doesn’t have any sign of spinal/hip pain

Sending vibes for him x
Looks as though he is exhibiting early signs of reduced gut motility and possibly some dehydration. A Vet check today is definitely needed.

I would want the Vet to not only check his abdomen but also his lungs and heart and bladder.

Also check that he doesn’t have any sign of spinal/hip pain

Sending vibes for him x
Ok I will call the vet, thank you so much Jane 🩷🩷🩷
Sorry to hear that Cookie is not doing so well, and I agree that a vet visit is needed to find out why. Hope he gets on OK, sending lots of vibes for him, and try not to worry xx
Sorry to hear that Cookie is not doing so well, and I agree that a vet visit is needed to find out why. Hope he gets on OK, sending lots of vibes for him, and try not to worry xx
Thank you so much dear 🩷🩷🩷
I’m pleased you managed to get an appointment for Cookie today and look forward to an update, x
Sending vibes for Cookie. I hope all goes well at the vet and a solution can be found for him. xxxxx
Thank you all very much for your all support 🩷🩷🩷

We just came home from the vet, the vet said everything was normal, it was probably just gas. They gave me medicine, but they said to wait and watch for 1-2 more days, if there is no positive development, then start taking medicine. 🩷
I'm glad the vet couldn't find anything serious. I hope he'll start eating more hay and drinking more water again soon. Sending him vibes. ❤️
Thank you all very much for your support 🩷🩷🩷🩷

I want to ask you a little question, Cookie drinks less water than normal, today he only drank water once in the morning(In the morning, he drank water nonstop for 3 minutes). But then he didn't drink any water again, so he actually drinks less water than normal. Do you think I should give him water with a syringe or just let it flow?
And why do you think he drinks less water, what are your thoughts?
Thank you all very much for your support 🩷🩷🩷🩷

I want to ask you a little question, Cookie drinks less water than normal, today he only drank water once in the morning(In the morning, he drank water nonstop for 3 minutes). But then he didn't drink any water again, so he actually drinks less water than normal. Do you think I should give him water with a syringe or just let it flow?
And why do you think he drinks less water, what are your thoughts?

I wouldnt syringe water at this stage. Just measure the amount he drinks over a 24 hr period for the next 3-4 days. Average water intake for a Rabbit is 50ml-100ml/kg/day. Rabbits will drink less if they eat a lot of fresh veg and grass. Monitor his wee output too.

It’s normal for water intake to vary. Some days we can feel more or less thirsty, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem.

Suddenly drinking lots of water every day does need investigation. Suddenly drinking nothing and not urinating also needs investigating by a Vet.