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Please, please please. Ud post 36- he's gone

I'm so very, very sorry :cry:
It was very thoughtful of you to make sure his former owners didn't find out here. It must have been very hard for you having to contain your grief like that.
Hugs xx
I just realised how cold my update sounds. I'm sorry about that too. I'm very not cold. I'm devastated but it was the right thing for him. I guess I'm just getting on with it, hence the matter-of-factness.

Sometimes things might sound cold because you have to be on automatic pilot at times like these. We all know you are anything but cold and how much Hay Monster meant to you.

I'm so very sorry for your loss he's so lucky to have had you caring for him, just so sorry it was such an uphill struggle for the both of you.
My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.

Be free and fixed at the bridge little man. No more poorlyness.

You fought a brave fight, but your poor body could not hold your spirit any longer.

Tracy, you are all in my thoughts today.

Binky Free Hay Monster.
I will always have a special place in my heart for little Hay Monster. I am so devastated that he is gone. :cry::cry::cry: You did everything you could. It was clear to see his spirit was strong, but he had so many health problems. Binky free little Hay Monster. This has been such a sad week on RU. I hope next week will be brighter.:cry::cry:
I'm so very sorry :cry: I've only just seen this, and the pics you posted the other day with his little sock on. He was such a beautiful soul Xxx
So sad to hear your news. I'm sure he had the very best of everything while safely in your care. He may not be here any longer, but he has all of your love still with him and he's with you in your heart for always-nothing can take that away x thinking of you x