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Please, please please. Ud post 36- he's gone

Oh Lordy.:cry:

My heart goes out to you.Im so very very sorry.I know how you loved him.

Binky Free Hay Monster.
I just realised how cold my update sounds. I'm sorry about that too. I'm very not cold. I'm devastated but it was the right thing for him. I guess I'm just getting on with it, hence the matter-of-factness.

Aww.. of course you're not cold. It's just hard to take in when we lose one of our pets, and we have to find a way to cope. Huge hugs to you.. You did the right thing for him... that's what's important. x
I'm so sorry. :(

I'd also be up for a trip if that's what you want. And as always you're always welcome here to see Grim and Smoo (and the rest of the zoo).