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Clutterydraw's (Ruth's) Sorrel...

Hugs you have made the right decision. :(

I agree, it sounds like you have chosen the kindest thing, and I agree with what Liz said, it's better to let her go sooner even though she could have rallied, than to leave it and actually see her get worse. You can't beat yourself up when you don't know what could have happened, but you'd feel awful if you prolonged her suffering.

Big hugs and *comfortable passing* vibes xx
I'm so sorry :cry:*HUGS* I hope that Sorrel has a peaceful passing.

She knows you love her and don't want her to leave, but I'm sure she will thank you for choosing to not let her suffer. I have had to make the decison to have 3 of mine PTS and although it was hard you know in your heart that you cannot let them suffer.

I hope this makes sense...*hugs*
The hardest thing we do for our babies is actually being strong enough to let them go when the time comes. I know how difficult it will be, but Sorrell will always be grateful you have helped her pass peacefully.

Thinking of you both at this very sad time xxx
If this feels right for you, then it's the right decision. I personally think that you're making the best decision you can with all the knowledge you have.

I hope that's peaceful for you all.
I've been thinking of you both all day and I know you will make he right decision for her, no-one knows a bun like it's human companion. I hope Sorrels trip to RB is a peaceful one for you both. xxx
I am totally convinced that the heat was what triggered Lexie's pneumonia and when I spoke to Ruth yesterday Sorrel started to show her first symptoms of a RTI on Saturday, that was the day before Lexie died and Lex's first day in the garden since Mack passed away.

If anyone has a bun who is known to have Snuffles or a RT type illness please keep a close eye on them, the humidity seems to affect them like it does human asthmatics. :(

Sooz...my little Angel went down hill with the temp rise :(
So, so worrying and you feel completely helpless :(

I won't even put my other snuffle bun outside now and have been watching him like a hawk for the past couple of days. Thankfully his symptoms have never been too severe.

It does make you feel helpless because unlike a wound there really is little you can do to offer them immediate aid, and often by the time you notice they are ill you only know because it is serious. :cry:
My Summer had lung cancer. I wonder if this is why she went downhill so quickly and unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago (which did lead to her being PTS).
She has passed now.

She was still able to pick at food so I gave her a special dinner of strawberries and nectarines and herbs first.

Then we went to the vets and they said they would inject into the liver so I said she had to have sedation first because apparently they don't do it as routine:roll:...she dropped off to sleep really peacefully while I stroked her and chatted to her. Then she had the euthanasia injection and just faded away in my arms. She didn't display any discomfort so i hope there wasn't any.

Thankyou all for your kind words, I feel pretty numb and floppy right now but I expect it will hit later.
She has passed now.

She was still able to pick at food so I gave her a special dinner of strawberries and nectarines and herbs first.

Then we went to the vets and they said they would inject into the liver so I said she had to have sedation first because apparently they don't do it as routine:roll:...she dropped off to sleep really peacefully while I stroked her and chatted to her. Then she had the euthanasia injection and just faded away in my arms. She didn't display any discomfort so i hope there wasn't any.

Thankyou all for your kind words, I feel pretty numb and floppy right now but I expect it will hit later.

I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad it was a peaceful passing. You did right in asking for the sedation (hugs) xx
I'm so sorry for what you are going through now. As bad as this sounds, I think Sorrel was very lucky, because she had a loving owner who always put her needs first, who gave her a last treat and goodbye, and who allowed her to have a really peaceful ending to her lovely life. She was one very lucky girl. That doesn't ease your pain right now, but maybe with time it might.

Thinking of you as you grieve for Sorrel.

Look after yourself.

Binky Free Sorrel.

I'm really sorry Ruth but well done for standing your ground with her treatment.

Binky Free beautiful Sorrel
Thinking of you xxx
So sorry for your loss, I know how much she meant to you.

Hopefully you can find comfort from how you were able to help her have the right balance at the end. You've shown the courage we all hope to have when faced with the same dilemma.

Hugs to you and Apache