I'm not entirely too sure yet to be honest with you! thus far they've been kept apart (although they know one another exist) to let them settle and also to avoid any illnesses. but they seem healthy so I've relaxed on being so strict (like washing my hands etc between touching them to Orion). they go to get a health check + vaccinations tomorrow, & then we were possibly thinking about letting them meet over the weekend in the bathroom (not in the bath, but the bathroom is neutral).
Orion did visit them tonight via pure accident, he was quite aggressive but he does also view the living room as his despite being banned from it for the past few days :lol: that being said I blocked his attempts to bite the babies. Cosmo & Juno were very loving curious and friendly. after he was jailed back to the dining room and was given a treat as I wanted to try and make it positive from the impromptu visit
I'm partially inclined to try before they get hormonal as Orion is quite depressed, and since bringing them home, he's been worse. his appetite and activity levels are lower. I do still spend time with him for many hours a day but its not the same. previously he had access to the whole downstairs, and my PC is in the living room, his pen in the dining room. we would "spend time" by him being in the same space as me, from the moment I woke up until I went to bed. now that isn't possible as baby pen is in the living room and he's in the dining room.
unfortunately because I need to double pen the babies right now, so I can't let Orion in the living room if I tried. my PC wires are exposed and he can try to bite the babies. my intention was to use either pen to protect my PC wires and also block of the babies from him being in biting range.
but well - I can't do that :lol: babies pen was the tall black pen, but Cosmo is tiny enough to squeeze through the gaps. so we switched to the silver pen (quite handy we had it or we would have been screwed :lol

, but then Juno could jump it (nearly, anyway). so I have the black & silver pen together as of the moment. ofc once Cosmo gets bigger I can remove the silver pen but, for now it has to stay.
it sounds silly but I'm just worried Orion could really hurt them - I could probably fit four of Cosmo into him tbh. they're diddy!
I'll see how things go over the weekend. I do feel sorry for Orion, and although I dedicate hours to him every day, its just not the same as previous & I can tell he's very very unhappy.