very tiny babies..

Awww, they're so cute and small. :love: It looks and sounds like they're settling in well, even feeling comfortable enough to take a bath. :lol::love:
thank you all for your lovely comments :love: I'm really excited to have them home. Ori is sulking (buns in HIS territory) but he is receiving plenty of love!
Whats their story? Are they rexes?

They're so cuteeeee omg [emoji7] they mini rexes? [emoji7]

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they're mini rexes yeah!

I picked them up from a pet store that sources animals from local breeders. honestly I realise it isn't the most popular choice .. but given the situation for me and for Orion, I wanted to take the opportunity. since ofc, it will be a while before they can all become buds.

they also had 2 black - but these guys were in a cuddle pile together and tbh I couldn't split them up :oops:
oh also! decided to name the lighter girl Cosmo. I went through a list and she perked her head up at that one, I'm sure pure coincidence, but still :lol:
oh also! decided to name the lighter girl Cosmo. I went through a list and she perked her head up at that one, I'm sure pure coincidence, but still :lol:
Stick with what works however it comes about :D They're lovely! Matt will be jealous, he always wanted ours to try the paddling pool he 'made' for them :lol: Although ours are always putting their feet in their water adn they're much older/wiser to bowls (but stupid ;P).

Best of luck with these two becoming three lovely bunnies :D
Oh, bc, they're beautiful! :love: I love that you like space names for your bunnies. I was going to suggest something like Pisces or Europa (isn't that one of the moons they found water on?) But Cosmo is awesome. :love:

You have your hands full, for sure. What delightful news! Welcome, little ones! xxxxx
thought you guys might appreciate this — sat with them earlier and Juno was accepting of some gentle pets.

she’s VERY bold as is fascinated by me, following me around. I’m not quite sure what to make of her since she obviously doesn’t want anything! in the pen she’s following me as I walk around the room by the barrier. it’s lovely

Cosmo is very very timid but I’m sure with time she’ll warm up. for only being home for a day she’s done surprisingly well either way!

both greeted me this morning too - Cosmo follows Juno around usually. she waits for Juno to check out the “danger” before deciding if Juno’s okay she is too [emoji38]

they’re booked in for vaccines on Friday (alongside a checkup). I wanted to give them some time to be comfortable, but I’m also quite eager for them to be vaccinated as peace of mind for me tbh.

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Aw she matxhes the carpet! Looks like she was grooming it. What a sweetie. Really hope all goes well with the bonding.
Aw she matxhes the carpet! Looks like she was grooming it. What a sweetie. Really hope all goes well with the bonding.

I'm gonna have a Luna 2.0 where she blends in and I panic thinking I've lost her, aren't I ? :roll: :lol:
alfalfa hay came in today.............. I think I'm allergic :oops: grabbed an allergy pill and I'm doing much better thankfully
alfalfa hay came in today.............. I think I'm allergic :oops: grabbed an allergy pill and I'm doing much better thankfully
That's interesting (also ****, sorry you've had a reaction) I get contact dermatitis really bad from alfalfa!

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thank you both, I'm lucky I managed to find my old allergy pills that work, I'll have to get some more

I know I'm allergic to timothy (me and Luna both :lol:). I was okay for a little while but suddenly around September I started having a really bad reaction so I gave it away for free and stopped using it. I've stuck with orchard, oat and meadow. but alfalfa has seemingly caused an issue too
lord are they annoying!! :lol: I do love them though

Juno is very bold and knows no fear - she's escaped passed me a few times and made a beeline for Orion .. who is chewing on the gate to the dining room foaming at the mouth. I had to scoop her up and she didn't even seem phased (however ofc I am trying to avoid picking up). put her down and before I could close the pen she did it again.

last nights pellet time was a faff too - put Juno back so Cosmo popped out. eventually I jailed Juno in, but Cosmo could still squeeze through the bars, but she pops out and sits down so far less frustrating. I've had to double pen it. silver pen is small enough Cosmo can't squeeze through, but its not very tall, and Juno's gotten close to clearing it. so black pen is very tall (90cm iirc) to stop Juno jumping it :lol:

Cosmo is getting a lot bolder which is lovely to see :love: less phased by hands & movements.

they're going to hate me tomorrow as it is vaccination time.
here's some pictures from this mornings breakfast!


Juno has dust all over her head because she kept getting in the way when I was sweeping :lol: I attempted to avoid her but she was hellbent on attacking the dustpan - how dare it steal her poop & mess

you can really see the size difference here, Juno is much larger than Cosmo & consequently can not fit through the black pens bars. she was well ****** off last night as she couldn't fit but Cosmo could :lol: