Upset...please don't be angry !update p.90 sad news

I think we are all well aware of how many bunnies are in rescue, that is a different thread though.

The OP has said she's sorry, what's done is done now.
Remember people this is a friendly forum. The OP learnt the hard way seeing how bad it actually is at some breeders, at least now she has first hand knowledge to pass on to others why its not a good thing to go to a breeder. She acknowledged that she knew she made a mistake and has asked people not to be angry with her so at least think how your posts come across and be a bit diplomatic. I would have done the same as the OP I wouldn't have been able to turn around and walk away
Im not sure about that, Vegan Bunny - My Princess Katie was loved very much by her previous owners and she hid from us for a few days when she first arrived. It took her about 2 weeks not to run away from us. We cant get rid of her now - shes always round our feet ;)

The way the OP described it seemed like a lot more than just "running away", which is something I would expect from a new bunny. Trying to jump out of the hutch acting terrified, isn't what a curious little bunny that has been very much loved by previous owners should act like.

Anyway, obviously the breeder had no idea about how to look after rabbits since they were kept in tiny hutches. I wonder what happens to all the babies that aren't the "right" colour for showing. :cry: I don't suppose the OP checked the genetic background of her bunny? History of dental problems, heart problem, hip problems etc?
unfortunately you had to learn the hard way that "reputable breeders" are often not reputable at all ...

I wont say more . you obviously feel bad enough .

he is lovely , Im glad he has a loving home ....unlike many that don't .
It does seem a shame that a very quick search on the rabbit rehome site shows a fair few standard rexes needing homes from rescues.
It does seem a shame that a very quick search on the rabbit rehome site shows a fair few standard rexes needing homes from rescues.

There are lots and lots. Even bonded pairs of them.

No excuse to buy from a breeder.
deleted as a complete waste of time

Jill, you don't need to delete anything.

I'm not sure what you want the OP to do now? As a rescue it must be very frustrating I agree with you. I am anti breeding but sadly I don't think breeding will ever stop. :(
Jill, you don't need to delete anything.

I'm not sure what you want the OP to do now? As a rescue it must be very frustrating I agree with you. I am anti breeding but sadly I don't think breeding will ever stop. :(

Oh Amy I think I do
and re the OP My comments aren't to make her feel's so others reading the thread and seeing all the " how lovely" " oh well now he'll have a nice life" comments stop and think before they go out and buy. As a rescue I cannot stop putting the rescue viewpoint forward as if I do I am failing the very animals I, and my team, work our socks off trying to help.

This rabbit is very handsome, hopefully he will have a great life..but please anyone else thinking of getting a pet, rescue don't buy
Jill, you don't need to delete anything.

I'm not sure what you want the OP to do now? As a rescue it must be very frustrating I agree with you. I am anti breeding but sadly I don't think breeding will ever stop. :(

It won't if people think saying sorry makes it all ok. :? They don't need to apologise to us. They need to apologise to the rabbit sitting in a rescue somewhere, waiting for a home that may never come.

I am not going to comment on this thread anymore. I am not going to tell the OP that it's all ok, because it isn't. If she didn't want to hear the truth, and some harsh realities, then she shouldn't have posted.

I do hope her rabbits doesn't suffer from some horrific genetic disease later in life. :cry:
I'm sorry chaps, this thread is a little harsh. We all know the rescue situation and there are plenty of threads on here about the subject. The OP was introducing herself and her gorgeous bun to say hello and possibly learn some stuff.

I'd venture to say, leaving him with the breeder would have been worse.

Being passionate about a cause is great. Being over-zealous isn't so great.

I hope your bun relaxes a bit soon. :)

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It won't if people think saying sorry makes it all ok. :? They don't need to apologise to us. They need to apologise to the rabbit sitting in a rescue somewhere, waiting for a home that may never come.

I am not going to comment on this thread anymore. I am not going to tell the OP that it's all ok, because it isn't. If she didn't want to hear the truth, and some harsh realities, then she shouldn't have posted.

I do hope her rabbits doesn't suffer from some horrific genetic disease later in life. :cry:

That last part is an awful thing to say. I have a rabbit from a breeder and one from P@H. As you say a lot of rescue rabbits are from breeders then rescue rabbits could have the same odds for genetic diseases. Least be diplomatic in what you say, what would you like the people who have got these rabbits already to do?
Upset...please don't be angry !photo added

I don't want to make the op feel bad but....

People on here know the situation with rescues they know the welfare issue and if they then choose to buy a rabbit especially from a terrible breeder then come on here to apologise after doing it the sorry dsnt have any meaning... Because they decided to do it knowing All they know

People who say they are sorry after rarely make threads about it before they buy rabbits from breeders because they know what people will say and know people will suggest they rescue instead and want to buy from a breeder and not have guilt stop them. Then post after because it's done and can't be undone

Now if they said they planned to do it, wanted to do it and didn't care what others thought that's different because they aren't asking to be forgiven for something they decided to do and were fully informed about.

You can't plan to do something that you know is against the ethics of a group of people your addressing are against, do it and then expect everyone to be ok with it

Everyone is different and everyone will respond in different ways they are allowed to be honest with the op as long as they are not rude

Unfortunately the op has seen into the darker world of breeding which she has heard us all post about but maybe not fully realised how bad it is, now she's experienced it for herself it will affect her decisions in the future

What we don't want to do is scare her off the forum where she receives help, advice as support and can grow like we all did and still do learning about bunnies and welfare

I too would have personally walked away and not supported her by giving her profit
But what done is done

Pointing out how we feel and why we wouldn't make those decisions can help others make their decisions it's not necessarily people trying to make her feel bad but help her and others understand
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Any one can be a ' breeder' just because th :shock: they have this label as ' breeder' doesn't make them any more knowledgable than any caring bunny owner. In fact much less in my mind. Why do folk think that 'breeders' know or care about thier rabbits. What makes ' breeders' such a special breed. And what makes them more desirable to get a specific pet from.
Why want a specific colour or breed, I don't understand:roll:. If you want a rabbit as a pet, then you want a rabbit. What difference does its colour of fur make.
That last part is an awful thing to say. I have a rabbit from a breeder and one from P@H. As you say a lot of rescue rabbits are from breeders then rescue rabbits could have the same odds for genetic diseases. Least be diplomatic in what you say, what would you like the people who have got these rabbits already to do?


My rabbits are not from a breeder or pet shop, but what's done is done. State your opinion, but don't push it any further than that.

Do correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Vegan Bunny, that your rabbit is from a pet shop originally? And so your harsh criticism of others seems a little unfounded.
I don't want to make the op feel bad but....

People on here know the situation with rescues they know the welfare issue and if they then choose to buy a rabbit especially from a terrible breeder then come on here to apologise after doing it the sorry dsnt have any meaning... Because they decided to do it knowing All they know

People who say they are sorry after rarely make threads about it before they buy rabbits from breeders because they know what people will say and know people will suggest they rescue instead and want to buy from a breeder and not have guilt stop them. Then post after because it's done and can't be undone

Now if they said they planned to do it, wanted to do it and didn't care what others thought that's different because they aren't asking to be forgiven for something they decided to do and were fully informed about.

You can't plan to do something that you know is against the ethics of a group of people your addressing are against, do it and then expect everyone to be ok with it

Everyone is different and everyone will respond in different ways they are allowed to be honest with the op as long as they are not rude

Unfortunately the op has seen into the darker world of breeding which she has heard us all post about but maybe not fully realised how bad it is, now she's experienced it for herself it will affect her decisions in the future

What we don't want to do is scare her off the forum where she receives help, advice as support and can grow like we all did and still do learning about bunnies and welfare

I too would have personally walked away and not supported her by giving her profit
But what done is done

Pointing out how we feel and why we wouldn't make those decisions can help others make their decisions it's not necessarily people trying to make her feel bad but help her and others understand

Very true I can't argue with that.
I was blind and stupid and all I can do now is learn from my mistake,I had heard about bad breeders but my god it was an eye opener to see it in the flesh.
If I could turn back the clock I would do if very differently ,I am reporting the breeder as I dread to think about all the others left behind.
I thank everyone for the comments I know you are all passionate about your rabbits, I hope to learn more and move forward from this.
I was prepared for some home truths and I take it all on board.
My apology wasn't meant as a flippant comment, I have truly had my eyes opened.
Thank you again EVERYONE for the is one big learning curve and I have just learnt a horrid leason.!
I think he's gorgeous. I rescued Blackavar from a back yard breeder and it was awful to see the bunnies there :cry: my other bunnies came from pet shops & breeders as that was before my RU days and rescuing never occurred to me :cry: in future, all my bunnies will come from rescues.

What's done is done, we learn from our experiences. Perhaps you could rescue him a nice wifey bun when he's settled down & had the snip?

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Wow I'm shocked at some of the comments on here. I would be put of rescuing from some.

I think it would be a good idea for the rescues to put up one thread each like the polish one showing what they do, who they have in etc. Get people interested show some positives. We do need to promote rescuing I agree but these comments are bullying plus a rabbit from a rescue can have genetic problems.
I can see where the rescues are coming from - they are passionate about the bunnies in their care. Everytime they see a thread like this it must be like a slap in the face, another home one of their bunnies have missed out on. Think how you feel about your own bunnies, you're their protector you'd fight for them till the end, they are just extending that to their rescue buns. I do not think they intend to be harsh or on the attack against the OP particularly, just the situation in general.

Similarly though I do think that unless you have seen the situation first hand its really hard to imagine the life these poor breeder bunnies have. I'm not sure whether its because they are so distressing that they aren't shown often but maybe the only way to highlight it is with more shocking pictures? I know we get some on the forum occassionally but maybe we need more.

Whilst I would love to say I would walk away if I was in a similar situation I think my heart would probably rule my head.

OP your new addition is gorgeous.