a reader of books
Warren Veteran
Late Saturday evening, as I was about to go to bed, Casper went from totally fine to really unfomcortable and refusing to eat in the span of a couple of minutes, so we took him to the emergency vet, who diagnosed him with an achy tummy, though he didn't have a blockage or any gas, thankfully. Sunday was still bad, and Monday got a bit better, and yesterday he was completely better and eating really well. But... this morning he was clearly feeling miserable again, and didn't want to eat, so we took him to the vet again. It's a completely different reason today, though, as now his tummy is fine and healthy, but he has a wound in his mouth that wasn't there on Saturday. The vet wants to take a good look at his mouth and his teeth under anaesthesia, but he wanted Casper to eat well for a couple of days first, so he'll be in good shape for the procedure, so I'll be syringe feeding him for a couple of days and then he'll go back to the vets on Monday. I do worry about the anaesthesia, I'll admit, since he's 11 now, but I know the vet will be careful, and he said it wouldn't take very long. Still, I'd appreciate some vibes for my poor boy if anybody's got some.