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Terrified for Felicity-FINAL HAPPY UPDATE 21st June

She now has to have drops in her eyes every 2 hours day and night for the next 7-10 days along with Fucithalmic twice a day
When the glue sloughs off her eyeball she may be left with corneal ulceration and she has already been referred to an Ophthalmologist

I do hope you are not being made to pay for all this treatment and referral! xxx
how did they manage to apply surgical glue!:shock:

poor little lady! not what either of you need on top of everything else:(

..'I do hope you are not being made to pay for all this treatment and referral!'....
agreed. they should to be paying you.
Oh Jane I am so upset for you and Felicity what an awful thing to happen to her on top of everything else, our fingers and paws are still crossed for her and we are sending her mega mega vibes, Thinking of you Jane and sending you hugs.
Oh Jane, I've just caught this thread. I'm so sorry for poor Felicity - sending lots of vibes for her, and a few for you as well - you must be just exhausted with it all.

I agree with what someone else has said, you should not be paying to rectify a VNs mistake, I hope that they will continue to treat Felicity's eyes without charging you for it.

Thinking of you both xx

How horrifically horrific. I have no words. I'm absolutely gob smacked.

Poor Felicity and poor you.
Oh no, I am so sorry to read about what has happened. :cry:

Poor Felicity, even more vibes than ever before to your beautiful fuzzball.

Thinking of you both.
:shock::cry: Oh my goodness, poor you and poor Felicity. Sending loads of hugs and vibes for both of you xxxxxxxx

to focus our vibes xx