My Millie has been not been good for a while and to cut a long story short recently had CT scan, x-rays, multiple dentals at several vets, bloods etc. The consensus is that she has dental issues with 2 teeth having come loose recently and suspected gum/root infections. She was in on Wednesday for the latest investigations and and extensive dental work, trimming, tissue samples for biopsy etc. She wasn't eating great before, but now after that all day work she is worse. Barely touching hay or grass as it seems too painful, eating a little pellets but less than before and some chopped forage, generally very unhappy. She's on multiple meds and pain killers, and today just started antibiotics which I fear may hold her eating back more, but it has to be done to give hope. Luckily this time of year there's loads of forage available so she will take some chopped ground elder, dandelions, plantain, hawthorn etc, but its really hard for her with tooth pain and very slow eating, dropping stuff all the time. I really don't want to go down the road of syringe feeding if I can avoid it as she already has meds 3 times a day - whilst she is really very placid and accepting, I think she may be reaching the limit of what she can tolerate. I read in a book of someone who made their own "special food" with hay in a coffee grinder (not ground too fine), some 'critical care' powder, a little water and a little apple juice and the sick bun lapped it up. I could add some forage as well. This could work for Millie as she would like all those things if she could just manage to take them in her mouth and digest them. Does anyone know what consistency I should aim for so she could eat it easily without being syringed or being too sloppy? Should it be a wet or dry consistency? Is there a "recipe" I could take and adapt to suit her with weights/volumes available? I realise this isn't a long term solution but I'm hoping something like this could just keep her going and keep her strong whilst on antibiotics and praying for some kind of recovery or improvement as a result.
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