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Terrified for Felicity-FINAL HAPPY UPDATE 21st June

Felicity is off all medication after today. She continues to do well. Her eye is as if it never happened, the lymph node in her abdomen is no longer enlarged and her liver feels normal :)

My Vet was obviously apologetic about the incident and steps have been taken to insure that it can never happen again. The VN involved was very, very distressed by the incident and I have told her that Felicity's eye has fully healed now. Although I was dreadfully upset and for a while rather cross about it all I accept that it was a horrible mistake and none of us are immune to making them, I know I am not.

The important thing is that Felicity has not sustained any permanent damage and the Veterinary staff involved will never let the same thing happen again.
So pleased that Felicity is off the meds and doing so well :D
Her recovery against all the odds is such a testament to your care and dedication Jane, you must be so proud of her and you should be proud of yourself!
Felicity is off all medication after today. She continues to do well. Her eye is as if it never happened, the lymph node in her abdomen is no longer enlarged and her liver feels normal :)

My Vet was obviously apologetic about the incident and steps have been taken to insure that it can never happen again. The VN involved was very, very distressed by the incident and I have told her that Felicity's eye has fully healed now. Although I was dreadfully upset and for a while rather cross about it all I accept that it was a horrible mistake and none of us are immune to making them, I know I am not.

The important thing is that Felicity has not sustained any permanent damage and the Veterinary staff involved will never let the same thing happen again.

That is such a constructive attitude and really does you credit....it must be such a hard thing to forgive, but sometimes I think people forget that mistakes will always happen, even with the most dedicated and hard working people.

I'm super pleased that everything has turned out ok for Felicity. :) Now go and put your feet up and relax before the next crisis!
The best news everyone could wish for. I'm so pleased she is all well again. You really are an angel Jane and she would not have made it only for your love and dedication.

Hopefully the manufacturers (of one of the products) will also change the colouring of their packaging so this does not happen again in any other vets.
I'm so happy for you :D This is brilliant news, and I totally agree she couldn't have done it without you love and care. I really admire your attitude as well x
The VN involved was very, very distressed by the incident and I have told her that Felicity's eye has fully healed now. Although I was dreadfully upset and for a while rather cross about it all I accept that it was a horrible mistake and none of us are immune to making them, I know I am not.

If the vet nurse is any good, she will learn from the incident and ensure it never happens again. The most salutary lesson you can have is an "Oh sh*t" moment.
oh i nearly had a heart attack reading "the final update" title im so glad it was good news

Yes, I had a sharp intake of breath too when I saw the heading. :shock:

So pleased that Felicity is doing so well.

And is C safely back where she belongs ....... ?
I'm Sooooo glad to hear Felicity is better and there is no damage to her eye!!!:D

Your forgiving attitude towards the vet nurse who made such a dreadful mistake , does you credit, Jane.

I do hope that the manufacturers will change the packaging so that nothing like this could happen again. I also hope that the vet practice will pay you compensation for the suffering caused by Felicity- maybe a couple of months free of charges? At least a box of nom-noms for :love:Felicity?

I am so happy to hear the results today!! -sue:D:):):):):):):):):):)
Oh Jane, I'm SO glad to hear that Felicity is doing well, she is clearly a little fighter!
I'm not feeling well, and this news had brightened up my day considerably!

Please have a little break for yourself, you must be exhausted! xxx