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So I noticed Boris' Poops got smaller.... am I doing the right thing?


Young Bun
I had an inclination yesterday PM that his poops were smaller than normal and today's inspection of his "output" confirms it - they are half the size. I suspect (but I'm nowhere near 100%) it's some beetroot treats that may have triggered it as I had mixed a small amount in with his hay to encourage foraging and it's a) the only new thing he's had and b)his poops also seem redder. In terms of quantity I'd given him 3-4 pinches of this;


So, what to do? He's eager for food as ever and pooping fine (in terms of number), drinking OK etc. He's on metacam for his ongoing mobility issues (poss E.C related), but nothing else.

I have cleaned out his hutch of the hay that had contained the beetroot and have also cleared out his pellets. All that is in his hutch now is a variety of different hays and some redigrass. I've cut down on his fresh veg, with a smaller amount than normal of dill, carrot tops , coriander and romaine lettuce during this evening - in order to encourage him to eat hay. I've been waving bits of hay under his nose, but he's not been too impressed! (he wanted his fenugreek crunches!)

I gave him some fiberplex in a Basil leaf "sandwich" earlier this evening.

Aside from keeping an eye on him for stasis, is there anything else I should be doing? I have been going out encouraging him to exercise in the garden, but each time he hops over hoping for food/treats (not that I am complaining much, as I don't want him to stop eating). I am hoping that if I leave him overnight with only hay to eat, he'll munch on it and that'll help his system get back to normal. I just want to check I'm not doing anything daft or am missing a trick.