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Archie - odd breathing, but otherwise normal


Mama Doe
Hi Everyone.

Its been a long time since I've posted.

Archie is now 8 and generally really healthy. We've noticed this week that his breathing is more noticeable. The speed is normal and he's not struggling to breathe. But it's causing his head to bob when he's at rest and I can see his body moving with the movment when he's lying down. It sort looks like when they've had a burst of energy, but it's anytime he's at rest.
I have seen him head bob before and Pip, but this is everytime he's resting or sleeping. So not unusual, it's just that it's all the time.

Everything else is normal, he's still doing binkies, eating, pooping, running around and jumping on things. No discharge from his nose, sneezing or anything respiratory like.

Has anyone seen something like this before? I'm going to try to link to some YouTube videos I've taken last night.

I've asked the lady we got him from and she said its odd, but not something that she thinks is an emergency. I'm wary of taking him to the vets unnecessarily, because he gets mega stressed in thr car and shakes and his breathing increases. So concerned about making whatever it is worse. Eek.

Can’t view the videos but your description sounds like increased respiratory effort. This merits an examination by a Vet tomorrow unless the symptoms worsen before then and/ or he becomes unwell within himself. Those situations would require emergency Veterinary attention tonight.
Possible causes of an increased respiratory effort might include a lower respiratory tract infection, heart problems, a mass in the chest cavity.
Thanks Jane. Sorry the videos don't work. They are you tube links, so I thought they'd work. 😩

I'm going to phone the vets when they open and I've sent them the videos, so they can see that before they speak to me. I'll let you know what they say.
Thanks Jane. Sorry the videos don't work. They are you tube links, so I thought they'd work. 😩

I'm going to phone the vets when they open and I've sent them the videos, so they can see that before they speak to me. I'll let you know what they say.

I can see them now, but they are so short and fast it’s impossible to glean any useful information from them. Archie definitely needs to be examined as the Vet needs to auscultate his chest to check his heart and lungs. I would suggest that the Vet also checks for any bulging of Archie’s eyeballs when he is tipped forward, ie gently raising his rear end up so all his weight is on his front end. It’s known as ‘the wheelbarrow test’. If his eyeballs bulge when this happens then it can be indicative of a mass in the chest cavity.
Hi Everyone,

Just back from the vets. He's in perfect health other than his breathing. She could hear that his lungs sounded louder than normal. So thinks its a chest infection. We have baytril and metacam and have an appointment in a week to check he's getting better. Obviously we can go back earlier if he gets worse

He is very grumpy with me and just wedged himself behind our glass cabinet and wouldnt get out. He looked extremely sulky!

15mins later and he's recovered from his ordeal and is munching on hay.

Thanks for the vibes and advice. I'll keep you updated.
Its a good thing you were on the ball, even if you have a very grumpy nethie on your hands/ I hope the meds work well
Ah, poor Archie, having a chest infection. I hope the Baytril and Metacam will help. I'm glad he didn't stay sulky for long! I'm sending him lots of get better vibes. ❤️
Thanks everyone. I hope you and all your buns are well. It's nice to be back even if it's with a poorly Archie. I've missed all the bunny antics. We've given him his meds hidden inside a blueberry. He was not a fan of the baytril. Hahaha
Well Mr Smarty Pants cottoned on quick to baytril in the blueberry 😳. He ate some this morning, but not all. So tonight he had banana with it, which he loved and gobbled it all up.

We've put the heating on a bit more, so they stay warmer, which has the added bonus if keeping us warm too.
They do figure it quickly when you're trying to trick them, don't they? I'm glad the banana worked tonight. Hopefully he doesn't figure that one out, too, or you're quickly going to run out of fruits!
Well Mr Smarty Pants cottoned on quick to baytril in the blueberry 😳. He ate some this morning, but not all. So tonight he had banana with it, which he loved and gobbled it all up.

We've put the heating on a bit more, so they stay warmer, which has the added bonus if keeping us warm too.
I read your post about the blueberry & wondered how long it'd take him to get wise 🤣 Topping up the vibes & inventive ways to disguise drugs