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Archie - odd breathing, but otherwise normal

Little update for you all. Archie has been much better until today. He just seemed off and his breathing seemed worse. I was worried I was just over thinking it. But sent the videos to the vet and he told me to bring him in.
Unfortunately the infection is back 😞 or it never quite went away. So we are back on baytril and metacam. They still can't get the other antibiotic, there's still a supply issue.
He said we are going to start with a higher dose this time and try to get in completely gone and may have to give meds for a longee time to make sure it's totally gone this time round.

Archie is not a happy boy, he hates the car, isn't keen on the vets and really hates baytril. Vet wants me to try to syringe the meds in, but I know in reality I won't get him to sit still. I feel like a bad bunny mum, but he is a wriggling nightmare.
Oh poor Archie, really hope the abx clear his infection up completely this time, and good luck with dreaded baytril, a treat straight after may help-hopefully !
Oh poor Archie, really hope the abx clear his infection up completely this time, and good luck with dreaded baytril, a treat straight after may help-hopefully !
Thanks Pets mum. He does already seem much better after a dose of metacam early afternoon, but the real difference has been after the baytril at the vets.. his nose has stopped flaring and he's relaxed more.
I can't remember but it began with an S
Septrin ?

Co-Trimoxazole is the same, the generic form and available. At least it’s available here (SW London)

Other options are Azithromycin AKA Zithromax or Depocillin, the latter by INJECTION ONLY. IME Baytril isn’t often that beneficial for severe LRTIs
aww poor Archie. Banana time though :LOL: I've seen Archie move on previous videos of yours, I wouldn't feel bad about not being able to medicate him. Lots of vibes for your little man, I hope the increased Baytril works for him
aww poor Archie. Banana time though :LOL: I've seen Archie move on previous videos of yours, I wouldn't feel bad about not being able to medicate him. Lots of vibes for your little man, I hope the increased Baytril works for him

I'm not sure how to quote you both.

Yes Jane that's the one, I'm sure. They said they've tried loads of suppliers. The only other one he said he uses is the injection one, but we didn't feel we were competent to do the injections ourselves.

Thanks Joey that's lovely that you remember Archies jumping and running antics. Haha. I have so far managed to get the baytril in with the syringe twice today. It was a tad stressful but we got there.

He's definitely improved on yesterday already, but still not right. We have to do a week of meds then report in with a video of how he's going. But I'm pretty sure he said we would need quite a few weeks of meds to make sure we get rid of it this time.
I am sorry Archie's infection is back and I hope the higher dose and longer treatment can fully eradicate this infection. These smaller bunnies can squirm quite a bit when they are determined to not take their icky med. Well done syringing the Baytril.
Sending lots of vibes Archie makes a quick and full recovery.
I am sorry Archie's infection is back and I hope the higher dose and longer treatment can fully eradicate this infection. These smaller bunnies can squirm quite a bit when they are determined to not take their icky med. Well done syringing the Baytril.
Sending lots of vibes Archie makes a quick and full recovery.

Morning bunny momma..you are up early! I just gave him his morning dose. He is currently cleaning the human stink off his fur. Lol 😆 he's getting wise to my plan of tricking him into being still with a treat so I can grab him. So had to chase him up and down the stairs a few times this morning.
Thanks for the vibes
Morning bunny momma..you are up early! I just gave him his morning dose. He is currently cleaning the human stink off his fur. Lol 😆 he's getting wise to my plan of tricking him into being still with a treat so I can grab him. So had to chase him up and down the stairs a few times this morning.
Thanks for the vibes
He always was speedy on the stairs! You will need a treat to regain your energy after that ordeal!😀.
My bunnies' fur smells very good, so I guess human stink is a no-no! After I groom my bunnies they have to wash too!
He always was speedy on the stairs! You will need a treat to regain your energy after that ordeal!😀.
My bunnies' fur smells very good, so I guess human stink is a no-no! After I groom my bunnies they have to wash too!
Yeah they both are super speedy on the stairs! Bunnies do smell so amazing don't they. I wish I smelt like a bunny. Hahaha
Yeah they both are super speedy on the stairs! Bunnies do smell so amazing don't they. I wish I smelt like a bunny. Hahaha

Hi Everyone, sorry for the delay. It's been a tricky few months. I've been giving Archie enrocare and metacam twice a day since I last messaged. He was getting better and better each day. And he did his first binky since he'd been poorly on June 6th. So I messaged the vet and we were all so pleased. But he said to continue meds to make sure the infection is definitely gone, which I did.

Then June 10th he went a bit downhill again but it only lasted a couple of days. The June 15th he went back downhill again. Vet is surprised this has happened when he was doing so well.

He's still himself and acting like a normal bun. But his breathing is elevated and his nose sounds wet if he sneezes, which isn't very often. Vet still can't get hold of the other antibiotics. So he has suggested we try nebulising.

Has anyone tried this and is there any reason we shouldn't do it. I have to make an appointment to chat it through with my Vet but thought I'd get your thoughts on here first.

I wondered if it could be an allergy to something because it's weirdly come back twice over the last 2 weekends when we are home from work. But not sure if I'm clutching at straws now.

At a bit of a loss of what to do and feeling sad that he's poorly again. Feeling like I've failed him.
Sorry to hear this latest update. I am sure Jane has used a nebuliser. I really hope he improves.

Lots of recovery and clear breathing vibes to him.