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Mama Doe
Poor beautiful Primrose passed away peacefully yesterday surrounded by her companions Beauty, Larch and Mayfly. She was one of the first group of rabbits that came into Hopper Haven the year we started. she arrived with a litter of three day old babies that I transported in a shoe box full of the filthy bedding she was living in:( She had had so many litters that she had pulled nearly all her fur out to make nests. The room they were kept in was roasting hot, filthy and disgusting. She and her litter were in a three foot hutch stacked on top of many other hutches. I took over twenty rabbits out of there that day.

Primrose had chronic snuffles from the moment she arrived and was on antibiotics for the whole 4 and a half years she was with me. When she was finally well enough to spay she was found to have a tumour, and that eventually spreading was what finally killed her, with a little help from the VHD vaccine that she shouldn't have had:( She was a game little rabbit who loved being outside. Even the day before she died she was out in her run with the others despite being pitifully thin and she ate her dinner with her usual gusto the night before.

I feel privilidged to have been able to give her the life she deserved, and will rememeber her fondly. We still have another doe (Petunia) from that place who arrived with a nine day old litter and a baby (Larch) born a few days after I got them out of there from another pregnant doe. He was rehomed years ago but was returned to us this year. As some of the first they have a special place in my heart.

Run free Primrose, my lovely bunny girl.