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myxi question

thank you both
they aren't one i use- i had just phoned them to get prices as round here the price for combined vaccine varries between £25- £45 for same thing and i had this optomism might find a cheapish one near home!

The boys have only had a single myxi jab- not had the other vh stuff. I shall get them the combination jab next week .sadly not at same vet that did castration though as much as I like the vets I do not like their vaccine prices.

One thing to consider when comparing prices is that the vaccination should include a health check to check they are well enough to have the vaccine. Somewhere might be cheaper but their health check may be less thorough.
thank you both
they aren't one i use- i had just phoned them to get prices as round here the price for combined vaccine varries between £25- £45 for same thing and i had this optomism might find a cheapish one near home!

The boys have only had a single myxi jab- not had the other vh stuff. I shall get them the combination jab next week .sadly not at same vet that did castration though as much as I like the vets I do not like their vaccine prices.

Sometimes it is worth paying more if you are getting a good rabbit-savvy vet. Also, if you register and stick with the same vet, you get to know them and they get to know your pets. It is so important to have confidence in your vet and their knowledge of rabbits. Something to consider is whether they provide their own out-of-hours service so that, in an emergency, you know you are getting your own vet and not some agency who take over after surgery hours. Just my opinion and what is important to me.
I know what you mean but its a hell of a jump from £25 to £40 and doing two at once adds up. I had my little lop vaccinated by same folk and was impressed at their health check . being as all they do is vaccine/wormer/flea at the clinic in a pet shop i wasn't expecting much of a check up but they went through her fur, checked her weight, examined her teeth, feet, ears and genitals and wanted to know what size of accomadation she has and also diet- were very keen to promote hay and grass as majority diet. really not bad.

as for out of hours- none of the vets round here do their own out of hours service- they all use the same provider to cover when they are shut.
I know what you mean but its a hell of a jump from £25 to £40 and doing two at once adds up. I had my little lop vaccinated by same folk and was impressed at their health check . being as all they do is vaccine/wormer/flea at the clinic in a pet shop i wasn't expecting much of a check up but they went through her fur, checked her weight, examined her teeth, feet, ears and genitals and wanted to know what size of accomadation she has and also diet- were very keen to promote hay and grass as majority diet. really not bad.

as for out of hours- none of the vets round here do their own out of hours service- they all use the same provider to cover when they are shut.

Yes, you have to do what is right for you and your rabbits.
I am lucky in that my rabbit specialist covers his own out-of-hours, but not so my cat vet (although when I registered they told me they were going to).
One of my buns has myxi at the moment. Thankfully I had them both vaccinated in April so hopefully he is going to be okay. They are kept in the summerhouse with access to outside. They dont come into contact with wild rabbits. I thought there was a very very low risk that he would catch it - but he did. The vet told me they are mainly spread by rabbit fleas - that jump onto cats and then find another rabbit. I didnt know at the time but recently my neighbours rabbit died of myxi - I have 3 cats. Did they bring the fleas in? I dont know. Unfortunately my neighbours rabbit wasnt vaccinated Wether it was mosquitos or fleas - it spreads. I would definately reccomend vaccination!!
One of my buns has myxi at the moment. Thankfully I had them both vaccinated in April so hopefully he is going to be okay. They are kept in the summerhouse with access to outside. They dont come into contact with wild rabbits. I thought there was a very very low risk that he would catch it - but he did. The vet told me they are mainly spread by rabbit fleas - that jump onto cats and then find another rabbit. I didnt know at the time but recently my neighbours rabbit died of myxi - I have 3 cats. Did they bring the fleas in? I dont know. Unfortunately my neighbours rabbit wasnt vaccinated Wether it was mosquitos or fleas - it spreads. I would definately reccomend vaccination!!

Yes, I thought of you and what you are going through: and fortunately you had done the right thing and vaccinated. I just don't 'get' why people don't neuter and vaccinate.
Thank for your replies guys. I know it's unpopular not to vacinate but I'm sceptical for two reasons; one I kept rabbits for years when I lived in the country as a child (now quite a high myxi area, don't know about then) and my rabbits lived to 6 or 7... I'd never even heard of myxi vaccinations back then. The other reason is my very rabbit savvy vet confided to me that she's never seen a case of a pet rabbit getting myxi indoor or outdoor (I live in a big town).

I suspect its one of those situations where the risk is tiny but I'd kick myself if I didn't. Can't help but feeling it would be just like the industry to overhype the importance of vacination, as cynacle as it sounds!

I'll have to think about it.... I know Little would be find with it (she jumps into the vets arms the little tart :D) but Big hates it so much...he sits very still quivering for hours after each trip. :(

I lost 2 rabbits to myxi when I was a child back in the 70's. No they didnt vaccinate back then. Our garden backed onto fields so I'm sure my rabbits came into contact with wild rabbits. Where I live now there are fields at the end of the road but have never seen wild rabbits in the lane - dont know what goes on at night though.... So I was horrified when Jake got myxi. But I do live in the countryside so obviously the risk is there. But I am so very glad I had him done. His wifey is showing no signs of it at the moment. Does anyone know what the incubation period is or would she have to have been bitten by an infected insect to catch it?