In Remembrance: Su (Cannonwoman)


Staff member
Dear Forum Members

It is with sadness that we are writing to let you know that today (Monday 12th May) is the date of Su's funeral. Many of you may know Su better as Cannonwoman, a familiar face around the forum.

Su had a warm and loving personality, which touched everyone who knew her and made her a well loved and much respected member of the RU community. She brought fun, laughter and a shared love of rabbits to the forum and will be sadly missed by all.

We would like you to join us in remembering Su today. Please share your memories below and take a few moments today at 11.30am (UK Time) to think of Su, her family and friends.

The Forum Team
Tamsin, Adele, Soad, Laura, Mandy, Leanne and Jeremy

On behalf of our members.

For reference: the original announcement and information regarding the collection.
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Dear Su

I cannot believe I am posting on a thread to mark the day of your Funeral. I still find it so hard to accept that you have gone. I know that if you could have done anything to rid yourself of the illness that took your life you would have done it. Your love for Mark was always so evident, as was your love for all your animals.

You and I had so much in common and I knew that when I told you things you would ‘understand’ in a way most folk are unable to do. We also shared the same rather dry sense of humour!! Laughing at inappropriate times was something we both had to work hard to try not to do !!

I miss you so much Su and I hope that where-ever you are now you are at peace and free of the pain that blighted your life for so long. I know that you will be happy to see your wishes carried out with regards to the future care of your animals. It was always so important to you that the needs of your animals came first.

Thank you for being my friend Su. For all the phone calls, the notes, cards and gifts and for just ‘being there’. You always seemed to know when ‘things’ were tricky for me and would reach out when most people would turn away. If only everyone had your compassion Su. I know that your giving, caring nature meant that at times people took advantage and hurt you a lot. But that is just how you were, always willing to lend a hand, especially if it involved helping animals.

The photos in the Mosaic I have made all tell a story. The photo of you cuddling some of your Bunnies, they all meant so much to you. The photo of Alysia, a Bun I tried to help. You were so very supportive of me during the dreadful events surrounding that Bunny. The Rainbow you sent after you died and the photo of Maggie, my Bunny whom you particularly loved. You will see her again now along with all your animals who passed away before you.


I will always miss you Su, the world has lost a truly good person

With much love

Your Friend Jane xxx

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A ‘farewell’ is before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends."
- Richard Bach
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Su, I still can't believe that you have gone, I keep expecting the phone to ring and you to be there saying "Hi it's only me", I miss you so much, you are a lovely friendly, caring and compassionate person and the world is a much sadder place without you.

Please look after all the furries at the bridge for us

Thank you for being such a good friend, love and miss you very much Su xxx
Thank you for being our 'Mummy Su' we will love you forever

All our Love

Your Bunnies- Speckle and Kahlo, George and Minky, Little Ted and Muffin, Tia and Pandora, Mulberry, Precious, Little Bob, Lord Dooley, Barney, Mork and Jet xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your Piggies- Emmie Lou, Ponch, Carrie, Mr Sheen, Pledge, Arthur, Hermon and Joe xxxxxxxx


They are not dead,
Who leave us this great heritage of remembering joy.

They still live in our hearts,
In the happiness we knew, in the dreams we shared.

They still breathe,
In the lingering fragrance,windblown, from their favourite flowers.

They still smile in the moonlight’s silver,
And laugh in the sunlight’s sparking gold.

They still speak in the echoes of the words we’ve heard them say again and again.

They still move,
In the rhythm of waving grasses, in the dance of the tossing branches.

They are not dead;
Their memory is warm in our hearts, comfort in our sorrow.

They are not apart from us, but part of us,

For love is eternal,
And those we love shall be with us throughout all eternity.

R.I.P Su.

i will take a few quiet moments at work to pay my respects to a lovely woman who should never have been taken so early

Donna xxxx
Ditto. People like Su who spent time and money to take care of these rehome bunnies should be rewarded with a long healthy life. Su definitely passed away before her time.

Rest In Peace Su
I hope that you will be pain free now Su and that god will look after you in heaven.You were a special person that touched so many lives.I am thinking of Mark and your familly at this hard time.
thinking of sue and everyone who loved her today - it is always the good that go too soon - truly a sad time for all. x x x x x x
Su,you were one of the first people to make me feel welcome when I joined this forum so I thank you very much for that. You also pm'd a lovely message when I lost Molly, you were a very very caring lovely lady....

I'll be thinking of you today, sleep tight Su..

Thinking of Mark and all the family today.

Karen x x
I will be thinking of you today, a special person who will be missed by so many, I'm sure more than you imagined.

My thoughts are with Mark and the rest of your family and friends at such a terrible time.
Su, it's so hard to think that we'll never talk with you again, you were, and still are, a much valued member of our community, you will be forever missed

Rest in peace x
Su, I was really upset to hear of your passing, and it seems I only had a few days before my own, entire world caved in. I'm sure you'll meet up with Rob to say hello, if you havent already.

My thoughts are with Su's family today and I know the pain they feel. Sleep tight Su. xxx
Su I too will miss our little chats.
I will be thinking about you today as I have been since you left us.
I will give each of your animals that are with me an extra cuddle from you.

Much love to you Su, and to Mark, your family and friends xxxxxx
Your Loved One lives In Your Heart
Many tender memories soften your grief,
May fond recollection bring you relief,
And may you find comfort and peace in the thought
Of the joy that knowing your loved one brought...
For time and space can never divide
Or keep your loved one from your side
When memory paints in colors true
The happy hours that belonged to you.
~ Helen Steiner Rice

Rest in Peace Su.

My thoughts to all her friends and family.