• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

GI Stasis in 8 and a half week old bunny


New Kit
Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting here. I have 3 rabbits, Elsie (18 months approx) Roo and Allie (both 8 and a half weeks old). Mum Elsie was found 11 weeks ago, dumped in a pet carrier at the side of the road. A friend of mine took her in and a couple of weeks later, she had 7 kits. We decided to take mum and 2 babies and they came to live with us a week ago. Prior to coming to us, babies were eating everything mum was eating from around 4 weeks onwards.

Allie was absolutely fine yesterday but wasn't herself today. After observing her, we decided to take her to the vet. All of the rabbits had a vet check 3 days ago and all was well. Mum weighs 2.4kg, Roo weighs 1.1kg and Allie weighs 710g which is a lot smaller than her sister. We took her to the vet today because she is so small and we suspected stasis. We have simeticone and critical care at home. Vet said that they agree that it is stasis and prescribed antibiotics and pain relief and told us to give her the simeticone and critical care. We have managed to get her to take everything except from the critical care. She is wriggling and seems to be getting stressed. Her mouth is so small and the critical care is ending up everywhere else except in her mouth, even when we burrito her. She doesn't like fruit so can't mix it with banana. She hasn't stopped eating completely but is only eating minimal amounts and isn't really drinking. Her poos are very soft. Any tips on how to get her eating the critical care? I think we are also scared in case we hurt her because of how small she is.

Thanks in advance for advice.


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Has the Vet tested for coccidiosis ? Is she fully weaned ? What is the name of the antibiotic?
Thank you for your reply. No, the vet didn't test for that. She is fully weaned, however, the first few days that she was with us, she was still trying to feed from mum once a day but mum was having none of it. She was eating really well until yesterday, always the first one at our feet at feed times. Yesterday she was sitting hunched up, her ears were really cold, she was pressing her tummy into the floor and grinding her teeth a couple of times. On Monday night, mum suddenly grabbed her head and started h*****g her. She was wriggling to get free and we had to separate them. This was reported at their vet visit on Tuesday. The antibiotic is called Baytril.
Thank you for your reply. No, the vet didn't test for that. She is fully weaned, however, the first few days that she was with us, she was still trying to feed from mum once a day but mum was having none of it. She was eating really well until yesterday, always the first one at our feet at feed times. Yesterday she was sitting hunched up, her ears were really cold, she was pressing her tummy into the floor and grinding her teeth a couple of times. On Monday night, mum suddenly grabbed her head and started h*****g her. She was wriggling to get free and we had to separate them. This was reported at their vet visit on Tuesday. The antibiotic is called Baytril.
Personally I would contact the Vet again and ask specifically about the possibility of coccidiosis. Even in the absence of severe diarrhoea. I would ask for the antibiotic to be changed to Sulfatrim. This will treat coccidiosis, Baytril won’t.

I would also give a probiotic eg Fibreplex

How is the Kit now? Is he/she on any pain relief ? Is he/she able to maintain body temperature now? If not it’s essential to provide a safe heat source. I assume you have removed the Mother from her kits? Is the sick kit still with the siblings? You will need to be very vigilant about them as *if* it is coccidiosis it is highly contagious and all the kits would be at risk of infection.

Remove all poop from the accommodation several times a day.

Use a Veterinary grade disinfectant for all cleaning every day, eg Anigene Professional

Personally I would contact the Vet again and ask specifically about the possibility of coccidiosis. Even in the absence of severe diarrhoea. I would ask for the antibiotic to be changed to Sulfatrim. This will treat coccidiosis, Baytril won’t.

I would also give a probiotic eg Fibreplex

How is the Kit now? Is he/she on any pain relief ? Is he/she able to maintain body temperature now? If not it’s essential to provide a safe heat source. I assume you have removed the Mother from her kits? Is the sick kit still with the siblings? You will need to be very vigilant about them as *if* it is coccidiosis it is highly contagious and all the kits would be at risk of infection.

Remove all poop from the accommodation several times a day.

Use a Veterinary grade disinfectant for all cleaning every day, eg Anigene Professional

Thank you again for this information. I have spoken with our vet and asked about coccidiosis and they don't think it's that. Her poos are more soft and sticky and no diarrhoea or blood. We are picking up some Selective Recovery for her just now to try it instead of the critical care.

Today, she is a little more active and has been eating some small amounts of hay. She is peeing and pooing. She is still sitting hunched a lot and we have provided her with a hot water bottle (using the hottest tap water we have in it instead of boiling water) and she seems to be enjoying using it. We have also been massaging her tummy every hour which she is enjoying too.

We have her, her sister Roo and mum Elsie. They are kept indoors and have separate sleeping areas but are out free roaming all day. They all have their own litter trays and their trays are cleaned and disinfected twice daily and any accidents from the kits are cleaned immediately.

I will purchase the probiotic you have recommended and thank you for that suggestion 😊
Thank you again for this information. I have spoken with our vet and asked about coccidiosis and they don't think it's that. Her poos are more soft and sticky and no diarrhoea or blood. We are picking up some Selective Recovery for her just now to try it instead of the critical care.

Today, she is a little more active and has been eating some small amounts of hay. She is peeing and pooing. She is still sitting hunched a lot and we have provided her with a hot water bottle (using the hottest tap water we have in it instead of boiling water) and she seems to be enjoying using it. We have also been massaging her tummy every hour which she is enjoying too.

We have her, her sister Roo and mum Elsie. They are kept indoors and have separate sleeping areas but are out free roaming all day. They all have their own litter trays and their trays are cleaned and disinfected twice daily and any accidents from the kits are cleaned immediately.

I will purchase the probiotic you have recommended and thank you for that suggestion 😊
I would still ask for a fecal sample testing

Has the Kit been given pain relief ?
Sending positive vibes she continues to improve with the meds and syringe feedings. She may need to get extra fluids too.
Sending positive vibes she continues to improve with the meds and syringe feedings. She may need to get extra fluids too.
She has been drinking small amounts of water today but we are also syringing small amounts of water for her several times a day. Thank you for your kind words