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Help: Bunny fast breathing

Re SQ fluids, it is important to know exactly how much to give and how often

If a Rabbit is very ill SQ fluids are not appropriate, IVs are needed
Hope Mr Chief is doing ok today!

With the syringes would he take it if it was food?

Rodney started dribbling his medicines after his dental so we tricked him, giving him a ml of thickish nugget slurry to chew on, then a ml or two of fluids/medicines then switched back to the nugget slurry when he started dribbling.

Its trickery and I'm not sure how long it would've worked for but it did get us through the last days of medicine.

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You get bags of fluids and other supplies from vets. It is not difficult. Vet showed me long ago. Now you may be able to get virtual instructions once you get supplies.
I misunderstood spitting out water. Sorry for confusion.
Thank you! I will ask PDSA about it when I take him on Monday. They will be able to check if he is dehydrated but I will say that he keeps going off his water. I think it is because he has trouble standing on his paw.

He was drinking water this morning on his own though as heard him a couple of times and he took bottle of water from us today aswell.

Think he starts drinking again as his paw gets better but then he scuffs it up again. He also keeps 'digging' on blankets and stuff so probably doesn't help! xx

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Re SQ fluids, it is important to know exactly how much to give and how often

If a Rabbit is very ill SQ fluids are not appropriate, IVs are needed
Yes I had a quick read up on it. I'm not sure if PDSA will give me these but I can ask. They will be able to check if he is dehydrated and whether he needs them.

We have an appointment at 10am with them as it was earliest time they had as they are very busy at moment. They have given us Meloxicam in the meantime.

If not I can ask the exotic vet if we get worried about him. We get paid on Monday so we can take him there again for a check up and probably will get bloods done aswell as he is now nearing the end of his course of diuretics and is no longer on abx.

He is fast breathing again. I think he does that when he is in pain. We have been told to give him Meloxicam at 0.7mls every 24 hours until they see him on Monday.

He has been on it so long that there is a risk there. He is JUST coping on this dose but I will speak to vets about upping it if he seems to be struggling. He is eating fine and just popped up on bed for attention so he seems fairly ok xx

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Yes I had a quick read up on it. I'm not sure if PDSA will give me these but I can ask. They will be able to check if he is dehydrated and whether he needs them.

We have an appointment at 10am with them as it was earliest time they had as they are very busy at moment. They have given us Meloxicam in the meantime.

If not I can ask the exotic vet if we get worried about him. We get paid on Monday so we can take him there again for a check up and probably will get bloods done aswell as he is now nearing the end of his course of diuretics and is no longer on abx

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I hope the Meloxicam helps x
Hope Mr Chief is doing ok today!

With the syringes would he take it if it was food?

Rodney started dribbling his medicines after his dental so we tricked him, giving him a ml of thickish nugget slurry to chew on, then a ml or two of fluids/medicines then switched back to the nugget slurry when he started dribbling.

Its trickery and I'm not sure how long it would've worked for but it did get us through the last days of medicine.

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Sorry I don't think I replied to you. That's a great idea. He has quite a nice round tummy so don't want to feed him too much or he will get porky again [emoji23][emoji23]

But I'm sure a syringe feed now and again won't hurt. He is drinking out of the bottle sometimes but obviously not enough if his poops are small and shrunken looking.

I just tried water and part apple juice and he was quite happy to take the syringe but then just spat it out again!

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Mischief was fast breathing again last night. I spoke to PDSA and they said to up the Meloxicam to 0.7 mls every 12 hours if his breathing gets fast again.

Until he has blood test I agree that we don't want to keep giving him a high dose of it but at same time I hate him being in pain.

He really growled at me this morning really loudly. It made me jump. He has never done that to me before. Only Phil. So I know he is in quite a lot of pain [emoji22]

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Oh no, I'm sorry Mischief's breathing has gone downhill again. I hope the meloxicam helps xx
His breathing has slowed down a bit with the painkiller but it is a low dose so I guess he could still be in pain with his paw? He makes a snuffly whistle sound when he is breathing now and his nose is a bit wet again so could be the fast breathing?

And he makes a funny noise when he cleans himself and eats now. I presume it's because he is struggling to breathe out of his nose.

I will ask vet to check his breathing on Monday but I wonder if this is just something he will always have now and the fast breathing is due to being in pain and has made his breathing even noisier? Even still I'm getting it checked in case he is developed breathing problems again.

Appointment is with PDSA on Monday as I rang last week for appointment as had no money for exotic vets and wanted him checked out. We get paid on Monday so if PDSA is concerned we can always take him to exotic vets aswell.

The plan was to take him back to exotic vets for another check up when diuretics finish but that is in 9 days time.

We want to get his bloods done aswell once diuretics/painkiller is finished to check his kidney/liver function and heart. We can't afford to do it twice this month but if vets are concerned we will get it done early. Fingers crossed they are not concerned. Really want him to be ok!! [emoji175]

Some good news...as he kept scuffing his paw I decided he needed a barrier cream so last couple of days in the morning I have soaked it in salt water then put pure Aloe Vera gel on the wound then covered it in Sudocrem and stuck his fur over the Sudocrem to try and stop him licking it.

Then in the night I have left off the Sudocrem and let wound get to the air and put him in cage overnight so he can't run about and scuff it. We have blankets everywhere but he still manages to find places to run like our long hall way! *rolls eyes*

And his wound is looking more of a pink colour rather than a nasty sore dark red. I also managed to cut his nails really short today so think that will help even though we had a big fight. He is such a strong rabbit and when he decides he doesn't want it done he wriggles and twists and kicks and bites.

Phil has a massive hole in his hoody now!

He also flicked his paw so fast it knocked the nail scissors into my face really hard and I have a really deep scratch in my chin now. I have to lean really close to see as I have terrible eyesight! Luckily the scissors are blunt at the end or could have done some damage!

Bunnies are more dangerous than people think! [emoji23]

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We were cleaning his sweat glands today as he not cleaning himself well and noticed a pus white spot on base of his penis area. Is this common please anyone?

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Sorry that there are still concerns about Mr C’s breathing. After a nasty LRTI lung scaring can develop which would mean he may always have a slightly raised respiratory rate/ effort

The white spot on his penis may be a papilloma, but without seeing it it is impossible say. I would just leave it alone and lat the Vet take a look :)

Hopefully now the dew claw has been cut the soreness around it will heal.

Sending lots more vibes for him :love:
Sorry that there are still concerns about Mr C’s breathing. After a nasty LRTI lung scaring can develop which would mean he may always have a slightly raised respiratory rate/ effort

The white spot on his penis may be a papilloma, but without seeing it it is impossible say. I would just leave it alone and lat the Vet take a look :)

Hopefully now the dew claw has been cut the soreness around it will heal.

Sending lots more vibes for him :love:
Thank you Jane [emoji4]

Hope things are ok with you [emoji175]

Yes think his breathing has been permanently affected. Hopefully the vet will say it is nothing to be alarmed about.

The spot is just a pimple I think. We put a little aloe vera on it as an antibiotic and healing agent. It has gone down a bit today. I can't see any others.

He has not been great with his cleaning regime again this week and had to clean his nether regions yesterday and again today. Plus I think he has trouble eating his cecals directly from his bottom as found a squashed one in his litter tray the last 3 days. So the spot could be due to lack of hygiene maybe?

He seems brighter today. I was on phone chatting for ages to my son earlier and he was trying to catch my attention. He started doing these mini binkies in front of me where he lifted his front legs slightly off the floor and shook his ears. It was so cute the way he looked so happy but was mindful of his poorly paw! [emoji170][emoji170]

We will order his antiseptic spray that you suggested tomorrow. That should help heal his paw [emoji6] xx

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