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Help: Bunny fast breathing

Is he still on diuretics ?
Yes. We reduced Metacam as per instructions from vet to 0.5 mls.

I rang vets and they said to give 1 ml twice a day and see how he gets on so we did that.

I noticed after his tummy felt hard and swollen so gave infacol aswell as per vets instruction last time (although I've read up on it and seems there is mixed opinion on it) and gave him water via syringe as he was refusing bottle.

I had been asleep and when woke up it was really warm in room and OH was sitting engrossed on laptop and didn't seem to remember when he last gave him water. So it could have been that he is dehydrated. His poops are a bit small and hard aswell.

He seems much better now. He has had 25 mls water so far and eating well and pooped loads but they are a bit small still. But his breathing is slower and he seems happier. His face looks less pinched. So will just monitor him for now.

I think I will ring PDSA vets on Monday to see if they can check his paw. Although it does seem better. The other nail bed still looks swollen but is a nice pink colour. But will probably have to send pix of them to vets and they may want to see him xx

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Oh no sending vibes for him.

Maybe he made his foot sore with all that running about?

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He has been fairly quiet today. He is quiet in the day though. He sleeps a lot of it and gets active around 4pm but he seems quieter this evening. He is out munching hay now though [emoji3] xx

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
I can't feel any lumps on base of his ears. Well both ears feel the same anyway so I don't feel anything unusual.

His breathing is a lot better again and he seems fine in himself. We are reducing the painkiller again gradually to see how he reacts. I conscious of him not being on Metacam unless really necessary as he has already had it for weeks now.

He is still not drinking water though. And he just spits syringes of water out. Absolute nightmare! Right stroppy fella now he is better. He has eaten 2 syringes and the bitten off the top of Panacur aswell!! * rolls eyes*

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
His paw is really sore again. Think he has scuffed it as been running around like a mad thing!

Now he keeps lifting his paw and kind of limping.

His paw looks like bumblefoot but it is covered in lots of fur over it. However the dew claw grows really sharply straight in to the base of his paw. We try and keep it short but it is so difficult to do that as he will not keep still and flicks his paw when I try to even look at it.

I'm starting to think he needs Baytril for it to heal. And more painkillers as we running out now. So will ring PDSA tomorrow.

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
You're on a bit of a rollercoaster with him aren't you. I hope the PDSA have some good advice tomorrow
You're on a bit of a rollercoaster with him aren't you. I hope the PDSA have some good advice tomorrow
Thank you. Yes I guess once they have something wrong then other things get affected.

We left cutting his claws as he was so stressed out with everything. I did check them best I could but he was not having any of it. He hates having his claws done and my partner has to hold him as he is too strong and fast to just sit with four feet on the ground. We are gentle but it is a difficult process so we left it. Now we are paying the price. Or rather he is bless him xx

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
I've been reading up on bumblefoot and how to treat grazes. Vet said to use salt water but google suggests epsom salts.

Does anybody know which one gets best results please?

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
Sending vibes for a full recovery.
When he starts to get dehydrated, sub q fluids may be easier if he is not drinking. His spitting out water may be a symptom if you give small quantity at a time.
His paw is really sore again. Think he has scuffed it as been running around like a mad thing!

Now he keeps lifting his paw and kind of limping.

His paw looks like bumblefoot but it is covered in lots of fur over it. However the dew claw grows really sharply straight in to the base of his paw. We try and keep it short but it is so difficult to do that as he will not keep still and flicks his paw when I try to even look at it.

I'm starting to think he needs Baytril for it to heal. And more painkillers as we running out now. So will ring PDSA tomorrow.

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

Once he is more stable it may be worth considering having the claw removed if he continues to get infections in the nail base

IME warm saline suffices, but usually additional treatment is needed. I have found this to be beneficial https://www.hyperdrug.co.uk/derbyme...5fsKNDu6RE9I5_mAk9Z2uPjPeOPwPY4hoC5iIQAvD_BwE
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Sending vibes for a full recovery.
When he starts to get dehydrated, sub q fluids may be easier if he is not drinking. His spitting out water may be a symptom if you give small quantity at a time.
I've never given sub q liquids before at home. Could you please advise me on how I do this please? Would I need a vet to show me?

He is drinking bottle on and off a few mls at a time but his poops are small and harder than usual.

I don't quite understand what you mean about spitting out water as it is a small amount? Do you mean I would be better using a bigger syringe?

Sorry for the questions and thanks for your advice xx

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
Once he is more stable it may be worth considering having the claw removed if he continues to get infections in the nail base

IME warm saline suffices, but usually additional treatment is needed. I have found this to be beneficial https://www.hyperdrug.co.uk/derbyme...5fsKNDu6RE9I5_mAk9Z2uPjPeOPwPY4hoC5iIQAvD_BwE
Yes we thought that would be a good idea. His dew claw keeps giving him problems and makes it a serious issue when he refuses to eat/drink.

That's a great idea. It's like 'purple spray' that is used on horses. Brilliant stuff! Thank you xx

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
I've never given sub q liquids before at home. Could you please advise me on how I do this please? Would I need a vet to show me?

He is drinking bottle on and off a few mls at a time but his poops are small and harder than usual.

I don't quite understand what you mean about spitting out water as it is a small amount? Do you mean I would be better using a bigger syringe?

Sorry for the questions and thanks for your advice xx

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

You get bags of fluids and other supplies from vets. It is not difficult. Vet showed me long ago. Now you may be able to get virtual instructions once you get supplies.
I misunderstood spitting out water. Sorry for confusion.