Mama Doe
Hi I'm a new member as really need advice on my giant french lop, Mischief. He is 2 yrs old house rabbit, not neutered as yet and weighs 6.1kgs. He is overweight but not obese. On diet at moment to lose weight. Treated for mites last month with Avantage 80.
He has had a runny nose and eyes plus wax in ears and pink spots near ear canal. Also noticed flaky dry skin on outside of ears. Shaking his head and scratching his ears. Started fast breathing 3 weeks ago. Eating fine. Bit subdued.
So we took him to PDSA as we on low income. They checked his teeth and said fine. Ears were really sore and inflamed. Heart and lungs no problems. They gave him Baytril 1.2 mls twice a day plus Loxicom for dogs 2mls twice a day. And Isathal eye drops. Saw an improvement after 2 days with less ear shaking and seemed livelier. Eyes and nose seemed better. Nose slightly wet. But still fast breathing.
PDSA gave us same treatment for another week as ears still inflamed and breathing fast still. Lungs and heart still fine. Said if this does not help we would need to take him to exotic vets.
Still no improvement so took him to exotic vets. They said his ears were still inflamed. Teeth fine. Heart and lungs fine. Said give him a rest with the antibiotics and gave us Surolan ear drops to try 3 drops twice a day. Said we could try that for 7 days then try another antibiotic. If that didn't work would next try X-ray on head/chest and cultures done. Also treated him with different mite stuff Ox-something? Can't remember name!!
That night his breathing went up to 140 breaths a minute. Holding his head up straight and nostrils flared. We rang emergency vet and said to start painkiller again as we had stopped it (PDSA had said to give it 7 days more). Breathing went down to 100 per min so took him back to vets again.
Saw a locum who said heart and lungs fine but he is starting to get hooks on his cheek teeth. Said not to worry about his breathing being fast as could be pain or infection. just prescribed him Baytril again at 1.2 mls once a day ( half the dose of before) even though we told him he had that last 2 weeks already with no improvement. And Loxicom at 0.5mls twice a day. We explained he was previously on 2mls twice a day. He said that was too high and he had lost a rabbit to this previously. Said we could go up to 1mls twice a day if he needed it.
Since then no real improvement. Saw vet 6 days ago. His eating has reduced on and off. He eats less nuggets than usual and chooses softer green hay (timothy hay?) over grass hay but does eat some grass hay. He now eating veggies again. We giving him kale, greens, green beans and a little parsley as a treat. Small amount of carrot 2-3 times a week. And he does eat it all.
He did turn his nose up on food last 2 days so had to syringe feed him Excel but he then started eating again. But seems to chew slower now. Could his cheek teeth be causing all this?
We are out of money now until after Xmas and then will be borrowing from others. We are on benefits and vet charging us £30 just to see them. We not sure whether to try another antibiotic which would mean another £40-50 and waiting another 7 days or spend our last money we can get on an X-ray and getting teeth filed down. Then would have no money until 8th Jan for vets.
Really worried due to his fast breathing. Is that usual? I'm literally watching his breathing constantly and hardly sleeping. Have health issues myself and it's wearing me down
Sorry for long post but been lots going on lol. Thanks
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He has had a runny nose and eyes plus wax in ears and pink spots near ear canal. Also noticed flaky dry skin on outside of ears. Shaking his head and scratching his ears. Started fast breathing 3 weeks ago. Eating fine. Bit subdued.
So we took him to PDSA as we on low income. They checked his teeth and said fine. Ears were really sore and inflamed. Heart and lungs no problems. They gave him Baytril 1.2 mls twice a day plus Loxicom for dogs 2mls twice a day. And Isathal eye drops. Saw an improvement after 2 days with less ear shaking and seemed livelier. Eyes and nose seemed better. Nose slightly wet. But still fast breathing.
PDSA gave us same treatment for another week as ears still inflamed and breathing fast still. Lungs and heart still fine. Said if this does not help we would need to take him to exotic vets.
Still no improvement so took him to exotic vets. They said his ears were still inflamed. Teeth fine. Heart and lungs fine. Said give him a rest with the antibiotics and gave us Surolan ear drops to try 3 drops twice a day. Said we could try that for 7 days then try another antibiotic. If that didn't work would next try X-ray on head/chest and cultures done. Also treated him with different mite stuff Ox-something? Can't remember name!!
That night his breathing went up to 140 breaths a minute. Holding his head up straight and nostrils flared. We rang emergency vet and said to start painkiller again as we had stopped it (PDSA had said to give it 7 days more). Breathing went down to 100 per min so took him back to vets again.
Saw a locum who said heart and lungs fine but he is starting to get hooks on his cheek teeth. Said not to worry about his breathing being fast as could be pain or infection. just prescribed him Baytril again at 1.2 mls once a day ( half the dose of before) even though we told him he had that last 2 weeks already with no improvement. And Loxicom at 0.5mls twice a day. We explained he was previously on 2mls twice a day. He said that was too high and he had lost a rabbit to this previously. Said we could go up to 1mls twice a day if he needed it.
Since then no real improvement. Saw vet 6 days ago. His eating has reduced on and off. He eats less nuggets than usual and chooses softer green hay (timothy hay?) over grass hay but does eat some grass hay. He now eating veggies again. We giving him kale, greens, green beans and a little parsley as a treat. Small amount of carrot 2-3 times a week. And he does eat it all.
He did turn his nose up on food last 2 days so had to syringe feed him Excel but he then started eating again. But seems to chew slower now. Could his cheek teeth be causing all this?
We are out of money now until after Xmas and then will be borrowing from others. We are on benefits and vet charging us £30 just to see them. We not sure whether to try another antibiotic which would mean another £40-50 and waiting another 7 days or spend our last money we can get on an X-ray and getting teeth filed down. Then would have no money until 8th Jan for vets.
Really worried due to his fast breathing. Is that usual? I'm literally watching his breathing constantly and hardly sleeping. Have health issues myself and it's wearing me down
Sorry for long post but been lots going on lol. Thanks
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