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Finally got Boo a physio


Wise Old Thumper
It has taken forever to find someone in our area. Her website just spoke of dogs & horses - like everyone elses it seems. Not actually sure if she has experience of rabbits. Her first appointment is on the 7th, at home. Really hoping some of what she offers will be suitable for & help Boo.

Anything I need to be aware of?
Oh bless her having some physio at home, really hope it goes well for her. I'm sure it will be very gentle, and you know her, so if she doesn't like it she'll let you know.
I'm glad you've found a physio, who should be able to help Boo and I hope it goes well. Hopefully for the purposes of physio, one animal's body shouldn't be too different to treat as any another. Makes things easier that she will visit you and Boo at home too.
Thanks bunnymomma & omi - if she doesn't like or isn't suitable for actual physio, I hope she can have some laser or light therapy.

I agree about her being seen at home, plus Boo normally won't move at the vets so this way she'll get to see her on the move / wobble

If she isn't used to rabbits Boo is gonna be some education 🤣 I have said we aren't expecting miracles

Will update
Thanks bunnymomma & omi - if she doesn't like or isn't suitable for actual physio, I hope she can have some laser or light therapy.

I agree about her being seen at home, plus Boo normally won't move at the vets so this way she'll get to see her on the move / wobble

If she isn't used to rabbits Boo is gonna be some education 🤣 I have said we aren't expecting miracles

Will update
She may well be used to rabbits - but meeting Boo will indeed be a whole new experience. 😂
Seriously, I hope she can offer help of some sort.
Boo's physio is soooo lovely, very gentle & kind. Yesterday Boo had massage, Red phototherapy & Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT). The physio does a write up after every session...she described Boo as a little star 😍 Which indeed she was, managing to lay still for her treatments & grooming me in appreciation of the physios efforts🤣 We are supposed to try upping her protein & encourage hopping up a ramp & over uneven surfaces - all in an attempt to build muscle. All to be done really slowly, so the ramp currently has the smallest incline (she won't go up it anyway, even for strawberries) & for now her uneven surfaces just amount to less than perfectly laid towels, blankets etc. I'll see if she is happy to have a hop round on our bed later
Lovely update! Of course Boo is a little star! I'm sure she will enjoy playtime on your bed, even if its only for a nuzzle and not a lot of hopping.
I'm pleased that Boo's physio went well. Great that she behaved well, whilst having her treatments. Sounds like she's given some good advice. Have you thought about how to up her protein? Did the physio suggest anything ?
I'm pleased that Boo's physio went well. Great that she behaved well, whilst having her treatments. Sounds like she's given some good advice. Have you thought about how to up her protein? Did the physio suggest anything ?
Yep. Linseed, oats, & sainfoin (new to me, sounds interesting as doesn't have potential to cause bloat, nutrient rich, tasty + most importantly facilitates uptake of protein in the diet. Gonna make her cookies in a bit. She doesn't like oats so cookies will be oats, nuggets, foraged blackberries, garden strawberries, pear & banana - pinch of fenugreek & turmeric. Eddy will not be happy.
The physio sounds to be a real gem ❤️

I know Sainfoin as a native wildflower, but I've never come across it. I have just had a look online about it and see that it's a legume (like peas and beans), which explains the protein. Will you get her some? It looks as though it's sold for horses as hay or as pellets :D I do enjoy learning new things about plants.

Could Eddy have a few cookie crumbs?
The physio sounds to be a real gem ❤️

I know Sainfoin as a native wildflower, but I've never come across it. I have just had a look online about it and see that it's a legume (like peas and beans), which explains the protein. Will you get her some? It looks as though it's sold for horses as hay or as pellets :D I do enjoy learning new things about plants.

Could Eddy have a few cookie crumbs?
I agree, I really like her. Yeah I'm looking for it...really want the pellets but they only sell in massive bags which feels wasteful. Might order some blocks and see if they will chuck in tiny nugget sample.

No, Eddy cannot have crumbs. He gets coriander and basil as treats. I'm not finding it that easy to keep him at 2.3k and didn't really get in to giving him nuggets - the odd time I think he's left the room but hasnt so he gets one or two then out of guilt but its not daily. He only has forage herbs and hay. Gonna get Boo's phsio to assess him for muscle vs fat 🤣
That's a wonderful update, well done Boobly, bless her giving you groomies. Her physio sounds lovely, I really hope it helps her 😍
It is wonderful that Boo has such a lovely physio. The therapist sounds very knowledgeable,
I am glad Boo was a little star, She is such a special bunny.
I hope she enjoys her cookies and her run around the bed!
It is wonderful that Boo has such a lovely physio. The therapist sounds very knowledgeable,
I am glad Boo was a little star, She is such a special bunny.
I hope she enjoys her cookies and her run around the bed!
aww she really is special. She very much liked the cookies but not so much hopping round the bed, she maybe managed 7 hops. The exercise plan will have to go at Boo's pace I guess - it'd feel cruel forcing her to move. I'm ok with slow but need to keep up the momentum
aww she really is special. She very much liked the cookies but not so much hopping round the bed, she maybe managed 7 hops. The exercise plan will have to go at Boo's pace I guess - it'd feel cruel forcing her to move. I'm ok with slow but need to keep up the momentum
I agree that baby steps are best for physio, especially with an older individual.
Boo had her physio & related therapies again today

20240814_114919 (1).jpg20240814_114931.jpg

I got a humungous 22k bag of sainfoin & 1 kg brick.


I should have known better. I shouldn't be surprised though, with rabbits generally being fickle & not enjoying the purer pelleted feeds (like when i've bought forage pellets, grass pellets, hay/forage bricks)....plus it was kind of inevitable it would go wrong as i bought so much. If I'd just got a sample they'd prob love it...or maybe not as even Eddy wasn't interested. I liked the idea of sainfoin cos of it encouraging protein uptake but will get some alfalfa hay instead