Mama Doe
Oh Eddy you naughty chasy boy, but yes I understand wanting to give her room to escape. It's hard seeing the fur pulls isnt it? I always worry they've been hurt but its hard to tell.The last 2 nights Eddy is back to being v chasey & is pulling fur. The fur pulls are worse for her when she is in small space. No positives really - ie no lying next to each other or successfully entering the others litter tray. i sat down with eddy last night & apologised for getting grumpy & trying to stop him doing what he must (chase0 & have promised to try & back off more if he sticks to chasing without the fur pulling.
What I want to do, to allow him to get some of the chasing out of his system is to give them the whole room again. I can't bare to see her lose fur all the time & if I'm to let him chase her as much as he wants (within reason, so long as she doesn't fight back or get too stressed) she has a much better history of getting away with no fur pull if she more space & things to jump on to.
She is such an elegant jumper last night Bob was trying to round her up & put a hand out to stop her but she just leapt straight over it. He said he just felt a brief rush of air over his hand as she was gone
I love the rush of air. Lol. They are amazing jumpers aren't they, it always suprises me how little effort they need to leviate upwards.