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Casper & Sophie Photo Delivery

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ so sweet. This time my favourites are the photos on they grey binky mat, especially that one with Sophie in the fore ground. She looks like a young bun. Her use of Casper as her pillow continues to be the cutest thing:love:
Aw beautiful photos as usual Reader, they look so comfy in their lovely home, I could move right in 😊
Aww, thank you. 🥰

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ so sweet. This time my favourites are the photos on they grey binky mat, especially that one with Sophie in the fore ground. She looks like a young bun. Her use of Casper as her pillow continues to be the cutest thing:love:
Aw, I'm glad you like them. I agree that it's the cutest thing. 🥰
They are so well bonded and very cute. Casper and Sophie have plenty of different places to explore with their own bunny room. Their room is larger than mine! Well done bunnies! They do not look their age, especially Casper!
They are so well bonded and very cute. Casper and Sophie have plenty of different places to explore with their own bunny room. Their room is larger than mine! Well done bunnies! They do not look their age, especially Casper!
Aw, yes, they've gotten really close over time. ❤️ Their room is larger than mine, too. 😁 Casper has a bit of a baby face, I think.

Such lovely photos as always 😍 they always look relaxed and happy 👍
Aw, thank you. 🥰