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Casper and Sophie are ill

a reader of books

Warren Veteran
This morning I noticed a small puddle of diarrhoea on the floor of their room (real, liquid diarrhoea, not soft caecotrophs), and Casper didn't want his cookie with his Metacam on it. He was interested in one of their SS Urinary Health sticks, and when I offered him some of his favourite treats he'd eat them, but he didn't want any greens or hay, and he was very quiet, so I called the vet and they could check him over when my mum brought Sophie in for her laser therapy today. They couldn't find anything the matter with him; his teeth were fine and his tummy felt fine, and he had been eating hay in the carrier. Then the vet nurse who was doing Sophie's therapy said that Sophie's poops were softer than usual as well, so the tentative conclusion was that they'd eaten something that had upset their guts, but they would do a faecal exam and call later with the results. When they got home Casper started eating right away, so it seemed like everything was okay again.

But the vet called and Casper has coccidiosis, and since it's so transmissable, Sophie certainly does, too. Since they didn't get around to the exam until after they'd closed, we couldn't pick up the meds today, so we'll have to wait until Monday, but the vet thought they will be all right until then as they looked in good health today and Casper's eating again, but they said to call the vets on weekend duty if anything changes. I'm worried, though, and I wonder how they could've gotten it. The vet had no idea, but I've been reading and they could've gotten it from contaminated food? So maybe that's how... I know lots of rabbits have coccidiosis without showing any symptoms and who are fine, but that's clearly not the case here... I just hope Casper will keep eating as the vet practice on weekend duty is absolutely useless with rabbits.

I think Casper and Sophie could use some vibes? :(
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I'm really sorry Casper and Sophie are both unwell. I think the problem with things like this is that it's often impossible to pinpoint exactly where they picked it up from, but you can't help driving yourself mad trying to work it out.

The positive thing is that it was picked up quickly, although I understand you'll be worried about the delay to starting treatment. Just to put your mind at rest, would it be possible to pick up the meds from the weekend vet?

Sending lots of vibee for them both and I really hope Casper continues eating.
:( Loads of vibes for Sophie & Casper. Great to hear Casper is eating again already. Such a good boy. I'll keep them & you in my thoughts
Oh poor bunnies and poor you, it’s such a worry when they’re ill. Sending lots of vibes for you all 🥰
Really sorry to hear this Reader, poor bunnies, sending them loads of vibes for a quick recovery xx
Sending vibes for Casper, Sophie and you. I would expect that vet who called wrote the diagnosis on Casper's chart so weekend vet would just need to fill the meds.
Oh sending so many vibes :( how're they doing today? I really hope they keep on nomming xx

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Thank you so much for the vibes, everybody. They're very much appreciated. :love::love: And thank you for asking how they are today, j&b and Graciee and Babsie. Casper had a bit of a rough morning and didn't want to eat, but the vet had said I could give him some Emeprid in that case, and that helped, and he's doing better now, thankfully. And Sophie's fine. It's not affecting her as much, as far as I can tell. We haven't had any more diarrhoea, which is a big relief. I'm just wondering how I'm going to desinfect their room and keep it clean during treatment when I have those hemp mats on the floor for Sophie's beginning sore hocks. I can't desinfect those. I can put down new ones, but I won't be able to clean them in any way aside from sweeping up the poops. :?

I'm really sorry Casper and Sophie are both unwell. I think the problem with things like this is that it's often impossible to pinpoint exactly where they picked it up from, but you can't help driving yourself mad trying to work it out.

The positive thing is that it was picked up quickly, although I understand you'll be worried about the delay to starting treatment. Just to put your mind at rest, would it be possible to pick up the meds from the weekend vet?

Sending lots of vibee for them both and I really hope Casper continues eating.
Yeah, you're so right. I know I'll never know where they picked it up from, but I keep thinking about it anyway... I've been thinking of picking up the meds from the weekend vet, but I don't know which medication my vet wants to give them, as there are several options, so I don't know what meds to ask the weekend vet for. I don't want to give them one medication this weekend, and then have to stop and start a different medication on Monday if it turns out the weekend vet gave the wrong one. I don't think that'd be good for them.

Sending vibes for Casper, Sophie and you. I would expect that vet who called wrote the diagnosis on Casper's chart so weekend vet would just need to fill the meds.
Ah, no, see, the vet practice on duty this weekend is a totally different one from my own practice, so they don't have access to Casper's chart, unfortunately.
I’m glad they are doing ok, I don’t know if you have a steam cleaner, but maybe that’s a possibility for cleaning the rugs etc. it might not be the best thing for them though!
I’m glad they are doing ok, I don’t know if you have a steam cleaner, but maybe that’s a possibility for cleaning the rugs etc. it might not be the best thing for them though!
Thank you, Zoobec. Ooh, that's a great idea! I just looked it up and steam cleaning is effective against coccidiosis, so I think that'll be the right choice!
I was wondering if steam cleaning would work. Probably a good one to ask the vet when you pick up meds. Pleased to hear they are both doing well
Thank you, Zoobec. Ooh, that's a great idea! I just looked it up and steam cleaning is effective against coccidiosis, so I think that'll be the right choice!

Hopefully it won’t shrink the rug :lol: Fingers crossed they both make a quick recovery :thumb:
Yea steam sounds like a good way as no chemicals either, I love steam cleaning stuff [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38]

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I was wondering if steam cleaning would work. Probably a good one to ask the vet when you pick up meds. Pleased to hear they are both doing well
Yeah, I'll double check with the vets, but I'm pretty sure it works! I remember now that when Tom and Taz had coccidiosis (because they came from a rescue that, in hindsight, wasn't too great) I steam cleaned everything, too.

Hopefully it won’t shrink the rug :lol: Fingers crossed they both make a quick recovery :thumb:
Oh, no! :lol: Thank you!

Yea steam sounds like a good way as no chemicals either, I love steam cleaning stuff [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38]

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Yeah, I like the idea of steam much more than harsh, smelly disinfectants. If you want something to steam clean, feel free to come do Casper and Sophie's room :lol: (and everything else in my home, since Casper poops eveywhere :lol:)