Oh my goodness!! I have just heard about beautiful Bobbie, I am so sorry Jane, you must be devastated, I will never, ever forget that horrendous place and getting her out of there, she was in and awful wire care, 18 inches square with a hose pipe running through it with punched holes in for her water, she had never, ever had hay and had tried dreadfully to make a nest with fur for her tiny babies, the fur was soaking wet from the hose pipe, I will never ever forget that scene
Thank you so much for giving her the most fabulous home, with all the love and care that you gave her, she was so lucky to have you as her bunny Mum, she was so loved and I am truly thankful that you offered her a forever home, I can never thank you enough for what you did for beautiful Bobbie
Binky free at the bridge Bobbies, go and find all your babies, have fun with them in the long green grass xxx