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Barnaby is in emergency surgery- blockage....

He's home and he's been troughing a load of forage intermittently since he arrived.

He's just done a big happy flop :love:
This is awesome news! So pleased for you.

Heather was reluctant to take the credit, she said it was a team effort, the nurses played their part etc. They did put a lot of effort in this weekend.... they are all worth their weight in gold. :love:
What amazing news that he is eating so well, you must be delighted. Well done Barnaby, Crab Lane & you. Are things still good with his missus?
Barnaby had a setback last night and stopped eating. He is at the vets being treated for gut stasis, they have done x-rays etc and have ruled out a further blockage and complications from the previous blockage/gut issue. Hopefully with the usual cocktail of meds and TLC he will be home again soon.