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What do i do??? UD Wed PM - help??

Sue, she's absolutely gorgeous and your set up looks fab! :D :D I'd leave her to settle a day or two before going to the vets for vaccs.

Sitting in the run with her while you read is a great idea! :D that way she can check you out in her own time and get used to your smell. This is what I did when I got Bundle as a baby - spent all my time sitting on the floor with her. She obviously hadn't been handled much before I got her but it didn't take long before she was climbing all over me! :lol:

Try not to worry about bonding her with Dobbin - it usually works out far easier than you think! The vets sould be able to give you a better idea of her age too and how soon they'll spay her.

I can't believe that woman (term used loosely!) was prepared to have such a gorgeous little girl PTS just cos she couldn't be bothered with her any more :cry: :cry: :evil: :evil:

Well done you for rescuing her and best of luck with the bonding when it does happen! :D :D
She is beautiful!!!! Dwarf lop :D
Set up looks great!
At 12 weeks she should be fed ad lib I think - someone?! :? And go very slow with any veg, obviously have plenty of hay available all the time.
Sitting in the run wuietly with her sounds like a good plan :D
New bun

She looks gorgeous. How could someone not want her!

Spacegirl said:
At 12 weeks she should be fed ad lib I think - someone?! :?

Pretty sure thats correct :) She's lovely Sue, but I'd take things a little slower. Maybe leave sitting in her run reading til tomorrow evening? And if it was me, I'd not take her to the vets until next week or so - Causing as little stress as poss :wink: X
Oh my, she is just beautiful! I love harlequins :love:

I'm still feeding Jen pellets ad lib and she's four months old now, so I'd do the same for this little girl, at least until she's settled in and a bit bigger.

I'm glad she's relaxed enough to be eating - I'm sure you'll see poo soon, try not to worry too much :D[/i]
She's lovely, as said she looks like a harlequin dwarf lop. Now stop panicing :D Everything is going to be fine just take things slow.

Ad lib dry food and hay is fine for now, if she hasn't had greens then introduce those very slowly. Bunnies can take a little while to pick a spot for pooping just keep an eye but I'm sure you'll be rolling in the soon.

I'm sure you're so used to having Dobbin around now you've forgotton the settlein in bit. Sometimes it just feels like they've been around forever :) Rabbits can take a week or so to settle in fully. She'll be less skittish when she's learnt all the places to hide and noises and smells. Remember for rabbits there is all those new noises and smells to get used to in a new place too.

Try not to get too caught up in being able to stroke her at this point, she gradually get used to having you around and the fact you = food and you don't cause and trouble and she'll soon start interacting with you on her terms.

Dobbin won't mind, in fact I imagine he may be quite impressed when he gets to meet her. It's unusual for a boy-girl bonding to be big trouble and you have plenty of people to back you up if there is :)

Yep, a little time to settle before vaccs is a good idea.

Tam :)
Aw!! She looks a bit like Miles!! How the :censored: could that stupid :censored: cow be so callous and uncaring about such a gorgeous girly?!! it makes me SICK!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Well done you for being her guardian angel, believe me she will reward your time and patience with love and affection once she gets used to you! All my rescues were nervous for a good few weeks and would run away as soon as I went to stroke them - bribe her with food and treats, that always gets them used to your hand being a good thing! :D

Still no poos and not interested in the little treat i just gave her - how long until i should be worried concerning no poos?

I wouldn't worry yet!
What have you put the hay in? If its in a container that's big enough to sit in like a big box that might be good?
she has been sitting in her "litter tray" a couple of times - this hay hay and litter pellets in - nothing in there! NExt to that is a bowl of different hay which i have caught her nibbling at twice!

Tamsin - its true i cant remember this stage with Dobbin!!! Feels like he has always been around!! lol


She's had a big change today and I would ignore her until tomorrow other than offer food and water. I bet by this time tomorrow she'll be much happier and settled.

She's absolutely gorgeous, don't worry about bonding, MJ accepted Pippa straight away and hopefully Dobbin will too, it's usually the girly buns who cause the trouble :wink:
kayjay said:
it's usually the girly buns who cause the trouble :wink:

Too True!! It could be soo much worse hun, you could be bonding 2 girlies!! :shock: After last time, I'm never going to attempt it again :lol: X
:p :D :p :D

I am so plsd!!

Just popped into the kitchen to check on Twinkle - she was laying in her wigwam on her side - firstly i cannot believe how big her feet are!! Secondly i am so plsd because what was in her litter tray but about 20 little poo's!! I am plsd she is pooing but also because she has pood in the litter tray!! three rogue ones over the run which i have put in the litter tray!! She is now eating some Simply grass!!

Yay - am so plsd - do you think she is settling down?!

xx :D :D
It sounds like she's settling down! :D Bless her! And bless you, I know you were worried!! :D
