Hello how is your bunny doing ?
A lot of things happened in the past 20 days and I didn’t have time to post.
To make a long story short, her poop was getting smaller, the vet said that we prolong the medication for more days and continue giving the electrolytes every one hour.
We started having bad thoughts about whether the bunny was actually living or if it was in “life support” with the meds and electrolytes and the moment these stopped it would get worse immediately.
Our everyday life was ruined, we couldn’t even go to work since we had to be home to give the electrolytes with the syringe every single hour.
The good thing is, it paid off!!
This Thursday we went to the vet for an ultrasound to see if there was even a small improvement since the last time, with really low hopes.
Thank God the ultrasound came out clean!
No signs of stasis or inflammation!
So both the medication and all the effort we put (us and the bunny of course) brought the desirable results.
The vet asked us to relax and leave the bunny alone without even touching it for 3 days, so that it could overcome all the stress that it endured for a long period of time with us forcing her to drink water with the syringe and giving meds and massaging her belly etc.
The bunny gradually started drinking more and more water by itself, she has become even more active, she isn’t that picky with her hay (she still is, but not to the point she was before), her poop is getting larger and she is pooping more often.
So I believe we are on safe ground.
I am still stressed and scared that it may relapse, but I understand this is my problem to solve and not the bunny’s. I asked the vet if we should give more meds or continue with the syringe giving electrolytes just to make sure, and she explained to me that since the ultrasound came out clean, there is absolutely no reason to risk the bunny’s health with more meds and causing more stress by continuing the syringe thing. We just need to lay back, and give the bunny some time to relax as well and get back to her normal routine.
It’s a short time since Thursday, and I don’t know how many days I will need until I finally relax and say “we’re good”, so I’m just going to say that we are doing better every day.
I want to thank all of you for all the advice and support. It was a really hard time for us all and I really appreciate it!!!