There Was Once a Time


Wise Old Thumper
..............when it would take me all day to complete the daily cleaning routine. Now I have almost finished and it's not even 8am.................

God, this is so very hard to adjust to. Sorry to start another 'Loss' thread, perhaps this post should have tagged onto a previous thread I have posted recently

Sorry, just been floored by another grief tsunami :cry:

Going from having a Family of over 35 Rabbits to having just 4 is like living in a parallel universe. I am still outside of myself watching this person, who I guess must be me, go through the motions of a day like a Robot..................

I'm sorry its so difficult at the minute Jane. :( It must be very hard seeing a family diminish like that, I don't really know what else to say but didn't want to read and run.

Sending hugs today. xx
I understand where you are coming from on this one Jane..............a void.....emptiness........loss of purpose even...... Sending you warm wishes and ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

And parallel universe............I'm there too you're not alone.

Di. xx
I am so sorry, we went through a similar situation with our horses a few years ago, everyone was a similar age so we lost them in a small timeframe. It was so strange adjusting to not working so hard all day and having so little to do :( I send many hugs xx
Loss is awful :cry: I remember many years ago I lost 15 of my rats within months of each other. It broke my heart. I never had rats again :(

I am still grieving the loss of gypsy storm and Chico. I did not lose them so close together but within 18 months they had all gone. They had been in my life 10 years and 17 years. It is so hard! It is ALWAYS hard to say goodbye to friends and family. Life changes and it can be hard to adjust and keep up with the changes.

Sending love and hugs to you xxxx
I remember when I lost Dusty bunny (so the last of the two), I felt like I had lost all purpose, and didn't know what to do with myself, after all that time of round the clock care. It was the same when Cassie pig died.
I remember when I lost Dusty bunny (so the last of the two), I felt like I had lost all purpose, and didn't know what to do with myself, after all that time of round the clock care. It was the same when Cassie pig died.

Aye, I was like that with Kermit and then Inca, seemed like I had so much time on my hands!
Thinking of you Jane, is there anything you could do with the extra time that may be a gentle distraction for you?
Sending (((hugs)))Jane.I understand the "tidal wave"feeling so well and I haven't known the loss you have.It must almost knock you off your feet.I just cant imagine...

Rabbits are such fragile animals,wonderful but fragile.
I have no experience of what you're going through Jane, but it absolutely makes sense and I can certainly empathise. It will surely take a long time to adjust. Are you managing to do anything with the extra time currently?