• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Spencer again

I am extremely saddened to hear of the loss of Spencer. I genuinely feel your loss and I hope that you can get some resolution from your vets. As previous more experienced postees have indicated, there does seem to be some anomoly with the records and it doesn't seem quite right that you lost both your loved rabbits so quickly.
Binky free beautiful Spencer. xx
I am heart-broken for you, and the 2 bunnies who have lost their lives due to incompetence, most likely.
Thanks everyone.

It hurts to look out of the kitchen window and look at all of their stuff in the garden, still in disarray from last night while I was trying to get Spencer to eat. There is still a bowl in the kitchen full of all the different things I tried to get him to eat.

My poor happy bouncy boys, they were so happy and playful less than a week ago.

If, this is RHD2, ho do I go about decontaminating? I'd obviously not think about new rabbits for a while, I mentioned to my wife maybe summer next year, but how to I sort the garden out?
Well I am only giving my personal opinion, but I would call the Vets again today, tell them of what you fear may have happened and that if they are not prepared to alert the PAH store today you will.

Of course it cannot be taken as a certainty that RHD2 is involved until the PM results are obtained, but in this situation I feel that it should be handled as if it is 'worst case scenario' until proved otherwise.

I agree.:cry:
What a dreadful and quite unforgivable thing.
I am going back to pick him up at 15:30.

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If you have the emotional strength then I'd encourage you to read these links regarding a (POTENTIAL) RHD2 outbreak



If you are going to try to arrange an Independent PM for Spencer then I'd have a thorough read of all of the information on here :


I actually feel physically sick about your losses. Goodness knows how you and Mrs Zarathustra must be feeling :cry:

If you have the emotional strength then I'd encourage you to read these links regarding a (POTENTIAL) RHD2 outbreak



If you are going to try to arrange an Independent PM for Spencer then I'd have a thorough read of all of the information on here :


I actually feel physically sick about your losses. Goodness knows how you and Mrs Zarathustra must be feeling :cry:

The PM was carried out by our vets this morning, I went straight from the OOH vets to our vets to sort it out, I don't think we could afford another PM if we weren't already outside the 4 hour window.
Sending you lots of hugs. This is just devastating :cry:

I am also heartbroken for you and your two beautiful rabbits.
The PM was carried out by our vets this morning, I went straight from the OOH vets to our vets to sort it out, I don't think we could afford another PM if we weren't already outside the 4 hour window.

I totally understand. You are having to deal with a nightmare situation, one that any of us would struggle to cope with. It is beyond dreadful for you and just saying 'I am sorry' seems totally inadequate. But I honestly do not know what else to say x
Everything reminds me of them, I just nipped to the shop and they have all the curly kale bags in front of the door.

I don’t feel well

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Everything reminds me of them, I just nipped to the shop and they have all the curly kale bags in front of the door.

I don’t feel well

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:( try to be kind to yourself and take care, you and your wife :'( I wish I knew what to say but this whole thing is devastating :(

Idk about decontamination but I know MightyMax has posted in the past about how to do it and what to use and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you pm'd her, I've forgotten the products you can get - I probably wouldn't use that hutch again though and I'd have him cremated probably :'( x

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:( try to be kind to yourself and take care, you and your wife :'( I wish I knew what to say but this whole thing is devastating :(

Idk about decontamination but I know MightyMax has posted in the past about how to do it and what to use and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you pm'd her, I've forgotten the products you can get - I probably wouldn't use that hutch again though and I'd have him cremated probably :'( x

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We’ve already opted to get him back and bury him.

We weren’t given the option of having him cremated and then getting the ashes back. And, we’ve already buried Frank in any case.

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So sorry to hear about the loss of your buns, it's absolutely heartbreaking. I think the vets and the store need to be aware of the possibility of RHD2 being present, then they can take precautions and if it turns out it's not RHD2 there's no harm done.

Moving forward the results of the PM should give you a small amount of closure either way. If it is RHD2 definitely take action against the vet. I used to use Vets4pets and have my concerns about them. I don't know what else to say other than sorry again for the loss of your boys.
He is back home, just waiting until my wife gets back from work then we will bury him.

The vet mentioned a few things that were abnormal:

He had some dried blood around his nose, that wasn’t there when we left him with the OOH vets.

His trachea was red, like there was blood underneath the membrane.

He had some white foam in his throat.

His lungs weren’t spongy like they should have been.

And, while his stomach was full of food the top layer of the stomach looked like it was damaged.

She was not happy when she saw that they hadn’t been vaccinated against RHD2, and said if I haven’t had a call about it by Wednesday then to give them a ring.

Now it’s all about the waiting to see what the results from the lab say.

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He is back home, just waiting until my wife gets back from work then we will bury him.

The vet mentioned a few things that were abnormal:

He had some dried blood around his nose, that wasn’t there when we left him with the OOH vets.

His trachea was red, like there was blood underneath the membrane.

He had some white foam in his throat.

His lungs weren’t spongy like they should have been.

And, while his stomach was full of food the top layer of the stomach looked like it was damaged.

She was not happy when she saw that they hadn’t been vaccinated against RHD2, and said if I haven’t had a call about it by Wednesday then to give them a ring.

Now it’s all about the waiting to see what the results from the lab say.

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In the circumstances I think you should be receiving a call from the Principle Vet today. Even if he/she cannot elaborate on anything at this stage . The entire situation beggars belief.

I sincerely hope they have made contact with the PAH store Manager. Not to do so would be negligent in the extreme. It would be something I would be reporting to the RCVS. The potential for PAH to sell unvaccinated Rabbits exposed to RHD2 is a real and present danger at this stage.

I really feel so sorry for you and your rabbits :cry: it is absolutely not your fault. It’s understandable that you feel the way you do, to lose them both like that through no fault of your own like that must have been such a shock :cry:

Thinking of you both and sending strength and hugs xx
I’ve just caught up on this thread and I am just so distraught for you and your wife. I cannot even begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now.

Definitely agree with what everyone else is saying and I just hope that you can get some closure from this awful situation.

You did everything you could for those lovely bunnies xx

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