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Raven needs vibes, falling, circling update March 11

Thank you for thinking of Raven J &B.
Raven is more twisted to the right than tilted. It starts with his neck and continues below his shoulders. He can straighten and will even go to the left with messages along his left side, then he reverts to looking to the right.
When excited he runs in circles and when he stops his head tracks to the right while he finds his center.
He got extra berry loop treats on Friday so yesterday he had squishy poops. They are improving, though he will get a bum bath later.
Sounds like his balance centers haven't fully reoriented yet but that doesn't necessarily mean he won't recover more function. I think it took Mimzy a full six months to right himself initially, then he'd have days where he was almost straight and some days he was more wonky, but he really persevered despite it.

Continuing vibes that Raven keeps improving. He's a tough, wee lad. ❤️🙂
Sounds like his balance centers haven't fully reoriented yet but that doesn't necessarily mean he won't recover more function. I think it took Mimzy a full six months to right himself initially, then he'd have days where he was almost straight and some days he was more wonky, but he really persevered despite it.

Continuing vibes that Raven keeps improving. He's a tough, wee lad. ❤️🙂
Thank you for sharing your experience. He perseveres like Mimzy.
that he runs about getting excited is a good sign surely ❤️
Usually he gets excited over his greens or loop treats so I felt so mean yesterday when he was rationed to two treats until he stopped making the very soft poo. He will get three today.
We love our tiny shiny black Raven.
Raven is going to vets for his regular dental today. The latest abx only had limited usefulness, so not sure if we have any more options. He still circles and gets off balance.
Oh dear, poor lad ☹️ I think further treatment options would only be based on guesses, trial and error without further diagnostics. If there is an encapsulated abscess in his middle/inner ear then unfortunately it can mean that no systemic treatment will be hugely effective. The abx is unlikely to penetrate the abscess wall. Surgery would be one option, but in Ravens case it is probably not appropriate. The type of surgery is major and comes with no guarantees of being curative.

The ongoing GAs are, as you know, going to impact on his ability to cope with his vestibular problems ☹️

Has he ever been prescribed a medication to try to help reduce the dizziness eg cyclizine?

This is a relatively new paper published about Ear disease in Rabbits

Thinking of you and Raven. Sending lots of vibes for his dental today and I hope that the vet can suggest other options for his circling and balance issues.
Inspector Morse, Omi, Tonibun, KCG, Joey and Boo, Mimzmum,

Thank you friends,

Raven had meclizine yet it does not do much except when he was head tracking which I do not see very often atm. He still tilts to the right, yet he can go straight and go to his left too.
He has been eating more pellets recently, and of course his greens; so I hope it continues so he can maintain weight.

He did well with ga and returned to eating shortly after he came home. I always give him fluids at home hours before his dentals and think it helps.
Ah, glad to hear he's come through well. 🥰
I got really angry at one vet in Alaska who did a dental on Fiver once and didn't give him IV fluids OR metacam with his procedure and I had to go back and have them administer these to him because he completely left off eating afterwards. And of course it was in the dead of winter so it was a perilous drive.

She couldn't fathom why he should need those things. I learned not to request her services despite her claim that she was rabbit savvy. 🙄
Raven amazes me that such a little bunny is so tough. Before they changed his ga protocol it took me days to get him eating anything on his own. Now he starts nibbling greens at the vets. He still does not much hay, yet I am content he is still with me.