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Pregnant rabbit - Anyone ever had a rabbit overdue?


Warren Scout
I'm starting to worry. So I posted how my rabbit may have accidentally been pregnant. Well I thought her due date was last Sunday but nothing happened. Then I remembered there was another time she could have become pregnant, when I took them to the vets together.. so she'd be due around tomorrow. However she has not built a nest, she's been pregnant before (surprise litter, pregnant when I got her) and she built a nest 2-3 days beforehand. I am concerned because she's definitely pregnant. I can feel the kits (the balls) in her stomach, her stomachs gotten quite big, she hates being touched or held even though she is a loving rabbit and loves cuddles, if I go anywhere near her stomach she attacks me.. She's in a lot of discomfort, her teats have also come out... They are very prominent and seem ready to feed... one problem.. no nest... no signs.. no babies.. nothing. I am praying and hoping they arrive tomorrow but now I am becoming concerned.... I know her and I know she's pregnant, she's showing too many signs, especially the teats and her stomach not wanting it to be touched, and the feeling of balls in her stomach and it getting quite big... I have read online they can detain kits if they die inside her.. I'm getting worried about her... Has anyone else had this happen.. how many days overdue can rabbits go without it being potential risk as her due date might only be tomorrow.... If I have calculated it right... if no babies tomorrow.. should I be ringing emergency vets (vets closed due to bank holiday) .. anyone had this happen... ? I am getting upset cause the guilt of her getting pregnant would destroy me if something went wrong or something was wrong.
Kits are unlikely to be born alive after 35 days gestation. Retained dead kits may not be fatal to the Doe, although serious infection and death is possible. The Doe would become infertile, the dead kits can ossify and form permanent lumps that can be palpated in the uterus.

My advice would be to get your Doe to a Vet ASAP. An U/S scan would detect any live kits (their heartbeats) and the Vet may either try giving a drug to induce labour or to perform an emergency C Section.
Ok thank you. She's still got tomorrow but if no babies then I'll ring a vet for advice. i hate that its bank holiday this weekend!
Rabbits sometimes don't want us to know they are pregnant so maybe this is why she is waiting until the very last minute to make her nest. I may be wrong but I think you should leave her be more, and if nothing happens tomorrow then she will need to see a Vet. :thumb:
I am sorry. It must be very worrying for you. I think you need to consult your vet as nothing has happened. Sending vibes for her.
Thank you guys. I'm giving her till tomorrow.. As she's due today and if nothing I'll ring

I'm glad you will consult a vet. I am sure you don't want her to be in pain. I'm sorry this has happened on a Bank Holiday - I hope there's vet that's used to seeing rabbits you can consult

Good luck xx
Still no babies and she's getting more aggressive :( she'll be at vets either tonight or tomorrow, will keep you updated, kind of hoping I imagined the whole pregnancy now but how distressed she seems by her stomach its highly unlikely. She made me bleed tonight.. poor baby seems really distressed
So at the vets and I've been waiting 30 minutes cause there running late and they said it's a risk to even take her from hutch never mind out house yet here keeping me waiting like this. She's so stressed out
Waiting around busy noisy vets with a distressed bunny must be upsetting. I hope she gets seen soon & that all is well