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nethie diet

Lolly's mum

Mama Doe
my two adopted nethies don't seem too keen on veggies, edward has been trying a few but bella just won't try. if i had a single bun i would be able to leave the veg to see if it was eventually eaten, but as there are two, edward always snaffles any left veggies.

their previous mummy gave them a tablespoon of excel dwarf pellets each, daily. i've split that into morning and evening meals (need something to tempt them back into their pen when i have to go to work...sneaky of me)

they have a hay station which is topped up at least twice a day (somtimes more) with timothy hay, meadow hay and orchard grass, they love the hay and eat loads.

is this diet ok do you think? any advice appreciated.
My nethie/lionhead doesn't like a lot of veg either, she'll eat crunchy things, she's currently nibbling some fennel stem, but leafy things she won't eat. I wouldn't worry about it too much, as long as they're eating hay and a few pellets (the tablespoon sounds ideal) then they don't need veggies but it's nice to find a few things they do like for treats.
My nethie/lionhead doesn't like a lot of veg either, she'll eat crunchy things, she's currently nibbling some fennel stem, but leafy things she won't eat. I wouldn't worry about it too much, as long as they're eating hay and a few pellets (the tablespoon sounds ideal) then they don't need veggies but it's nice to find a few things they do like for treats.


was worried i wasn't giving them enough, never had such teeny-tiny buns before!!
My nethies liked their veg, but they have more delicate tummies, and Clo frequently had a messy bum, so now they have natural forage foods like hawthorn and brambles. They do all love their food, tho :lol:
My nethies are on a minimal pellet and loads of hay diet and then they get extra fresh just sporadically. This basic diet should be fine for a nethie :) I've found though, that my nethies who are adverse to fresh seem to much like the wilder stuff, like apple leaves are loved here, for example.
they are having "hay time" as i type, think i may have to up the hay order next time i visit hay experts!!

thanks to you all for the advice, has put my mind at rest.

em x
As long as they eat plenty hay, I wouldn't worry. My Arran isn't into any veggies except carrot peelings, so he doesn't get them very often.
My nethies liked their veg, but they have more delicate tummies, and Clo frequently had a messy bum, so now they have natural forage foods like hawthorn and brambles. They do all love their food, tho :lol:

Nutmeg will eat a little hawthorn and brambles but she prefers them dried and crunchy :roll: