I am sorry for the late reply. My OH has had his op and is moving around with just one crutch now. I am struggling along doing the housework, cooking and looking after our buns. I can only do a little at a time so I am constantly trying to catch up on jobs. My OH is getting stronger every day though and it has been good for me to keep busy.
That is a good idea getting the hay ready for when the hay is not so good. Do you think I should do the same? I live in the UK though so is it the same problem here I wonder? I get the same hay as Omi so I will have to ask her. My OH has found a massive area that our porch is next to. He wants to make an opening to this area from our porch and then we will be able to store our hay, litter and forage in there. I need to ask the landlord first but it could be good for us as we have cardboard boxes galore in our lounge at the moment. All rabbit stuff
I love the name Peter. I realise that 'Peter the rabbit' is from Beatrix Potter but I think Peter suits him. Bless him loving his pellets though
We have stopped feeding ours pellets. They are eating enough with all the hay and plant food. Lillabelle has put on weight. It was from the Readigrass we think. She loved that so much but we have stopped it as she was getting a bit tubby around the tummy. She has put on 400 g which is a lot really. I couldn't weigh her for 3 weeks as my OH can't help me atm due to his recent op. I can't manage her and the scales at the same time as she tries to wriggle away and I am not able to hold her as I am disabled. When we had her weighed at the vets she had put on 400 g. I was so disappointed.
We have just gone back to basics so they get two types of Timothy hay, two lots of fresh veggies and then forage at night. No more Readigrass or oat hay for now. I also realised tonight that I am giving them two handfuls of nettles recently as well so that is extra food. I will reduce the nettles/forage a little. Otherwise they don't have any pellets or commercial treats anymore. They seem to be doing well without them now they eat so much hay. Plus I need to get Lillabelle's weight down
When I stopped giving them both pellets they did not ask for them after a few days. They actually don't ask for pellets or treats much anymore. Only sometimes when I go near the table that their treats used to be. I wonder if they forget over time as they don't jump on the bed for pellets much now. Well Mischief doesn't at all but Lillabelle hardly does anymore either. Maybe they do actually forget over time?
I think you are doing so well with Peter feeding his pellets spread over the day. It is not easy reducing their pellets when they are so used to them. They need to gradually move towards hay more and it takes time. You are doing so well with your new bunny. He has landed on his feet there. He is a very lucky bunny to have you and your spouse looking after him now