Warren Scout
Hi, I had been using Haybox for the last few years, both my bunnies like timothy soft cut best so that's what I get but since them changing to bags rather than boxes it has been extremely dusty. I tried their orchard hay but the bunnies pretty much refused to eat it and acted like I was starving them!!! I decided to buy timothy soft cut hay. But when it arrived it is very stalky and not what I would call soft hay. You can't just grab a handful of it like you can with the usual soft hay. The bunnies don't want to eat it other than the odd piece here and there. I asked the company to confirm they definitely sent me soft and they said they have, they added "Our hay is a naturally grown product so the softness/stalkiness and colour can vary from batch to batch depending on when the hay was harvested to what field it was harvested from." Their online description said "This batch of softer Timothy is a VERY green, leafy hay with some fine stems present NB: may also contain a small mix of other soft grasses eg Orchard grass, meadow fescue etc". I don't want to be unfair to the company if this is usual when buying soft hay, but it cost me £29 to buy 8.5kg of it (I had to pay extra postage) so at the moment I am feeling pretty fed up about it. I don't know if it is right to be fed up with them or whether this is my own mistake so I thought I would ask opinions on here please. (I have added photos, the 1st is the box I received, the 2nd shows on the left the soft cut and the right has the Haybox soft cut. The haybox is browner and very soft, the timothy is greener but very stalky.) Thanks, Carolyn, Hazel & Shadow.