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Little Bill U/D 22nd Sept-Post 228 I Think I Have Been Forgiven

LB is back at the Vets at 1130hrs
I dont know where we go from here :cry: To add to it all I *think* I can feel an abnormality in his mandible :cry:

I love my Bunnies dearly, but right now I am struggling with all their problems :cry:

Sorry, not feeling 'well' myself today so everything is harder to cope with.
I'll shut up now
You're doing a fabulous job with all your buns. It must be so hard when so many are ill at once. I can barely cope when just one of my buns is sick.....so I admire you and think you are a lot stronger then you realise :D

Lots and lots of vibes for Little Bill x
It's awful when several of your buns get ill in one go. You are doing a great job though, so hang on in there. Hope Little Bill gets better quickly & give William a nose rub too
Little Bill has been Hospitalised :cry:
Christobel says we have to risk a GA as she *thinks* she can see a spur on a very back molar and the only way LB could have an abdominal Xray (Impactation/obstruction suspected) is under GA. He is so stressed out and would never stay still for a conscious Xray.

C will call me as soon as she has news

If I loose Little Bill I will be heartbroken
