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Little Bill U/D 22nd Sept-Post 228 I Think I Have Been Forgiven

Little Bill's eaten a few bits of greens now and his little face has lost that 'worried' look. If you were to see Little Bill when he has an episode of bloat you'd understand what I mean by that.

Anyway, I am hoping that he is over the worst now. Although given what we suspect about 'The Boblet genetic gut problem' I am expecting these episodes to keep occuring :cry:
Little Bill's eaten a few bits of greens now and his little face has lost that 'worried' look. If you were to see Little Bill when he has an episode of bloat you'd understand what I mean by that.

Anyway, I am hoping that he is over the worst now. Although given what we suspect about 'The Boblet genetic gut problem' I am expecting these episodes to keep occuring :cry:

So pleased he is feeling a little better. Must be a really difficult time for you.

*hugs* xxx
I'm glad your little man is improving :D
How is Bernie now? xx

Within herself she's quite bright but her left hip has sort of 'locked' and the leg is fused in an odd position. I will be seeing Christobel again tomorrow. I dont know what the outcome will be...................
Little Bill has relapsed :cry:
He is now also febrile :cry:

I have given him a shot of abx aswell as his other meds and I will contact Christobel at 0830hrs.

I think I am going to loose him just as I lost all three Girlie Boblets

Jane I do feel for you,you seem to be having a really rubbish time of it at the moment.

Sending lots of love and vibes to your poorly bunnies.x