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indoor buns in room with radiator...


Warren Scout
can i get some advise regarding this:

preston currently is based in our kitchen but we are looking to convert our unused dining room for him which is about 10ftsq and joins through to our lounge

there is a radiator in there and i am wondering if we would need to keep this off if this is to become his new room?

i'm worried that

a) will it be too hot for him to be based in a room with a radiator in winter, effectively with temps increasing then dropping when it's off

b) he will burn himself if he goes too near the rad itself, or will he have the sense to stay away when he realises it may be hot?

any advice would be welcomed
Hi, My bunnies are in the front room with radiator and fire and seem fine. As long as the temperatures don't rise too dramatically. They always seem to lie underneath the radiator or fire so the heat obviously doesn't bother them but extreme changes should e avoided.
My buns live in my bedroom and the radiator gets used in here.. I just keep it on a middle setting so it doesn't get too hot [for the buns and for my benefit!] so there is no risk of them burning themselves but they still keep snuggly :)

Although, saying that - once the chinchillas arrive on Monday I won't be having the heating on in here at all :rolleyes: I'd better go buy myself some more jumpers and warm socks :lol: :lol:
Well Deej spends most of his time in the lounge with us and when the radiator is on he often likes to sit about a foot or 2 away from it. I've never seen him nearer to it than that so I guess he's a sensible bun! :D
My house buns have run of the kitchen and conservatory. I've got one turned off which they like to lie under and one on which they avoid. Your best bet is probably to turn it down just to ensure the room doesn't get too hot if the door is going to be closed.
My buns lie against the radiator!!! I suppose if the room was really warm it would be a problem as there would be nowhere for them to cool off if they wanted to but as long as room is not hot then they can get as close to or far away from the radiator depending on how they feel.
My lounge runs through to the dining room too, and Muppet is shut in the dining room at night, so I had the same worries as you about the temperature drop at night cos it is quite cold in there. (Big patio door doesnt help.)

I have the radiator in the lounge on and the one in the dining room off - I did anyway cos otherwise it's a bit stuffy for me. If I'm cold I put the gas fire on in the lounge. So the dining room is always cooler than the lounge and quite often he chooses to sit in there of an evening anyway.

I think it's OK this way though Ive been worried on these colder nights - an unheated uncarpeted dining room with a large window area is not the same as a cosy bedroom with carpets. I dont think he'd want a snugglesafe, far too hot. I've just been covering his cage where he sleeps, so it's less exposed/draughty. He has profleece on the floor of his cage - I did try putting some hay on top for him to snuggle into, but as far as I can tell he pushed that to one side.
My bunny lives in my bedroom with the airing cupboard which gets warm. I do have a radiator but I have switched it off because the airing cupboard generates enough heat. The heat doesn't bother her.