I Wonder What Spin an Estate Agent Would Use When Describing my Lounge


Wise Old Thumper







Just to reassure you that Aoife has not left home, she was just hiding !

Cosy and well insulated ... countryside feel ... unique decor ... spacious ... comfortable... a perfect hideaway. :). I’d be comfy there :) ideal for relaxing with friends ...
Ha ha Jane it's perfect! The single chair for yourself made me laugh. The rabbits have more chairs than you!!

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I had great fun playing “spot Aoife” in your photos, I particularly loved the fifth one, where she was just looking out from under the stool to check if it was safe to come out yet! :lol:
Makes me sneeze just looking at it! You must get through so much hay. Your buns are very lucky.
Makes me sneeze just looking at it! You must get through so much hay. Your buns are very lucky.

The weird thing is I only started to get 'Hay Fever' in my 20s (1980s) when I stopped going to the stables and being with Horse ( and loads of hay) every day. I had dreadful hayfever from then on until I started to keep Rabbits in 1998. As soon as I was surrounded by hay every day my Hay Fever disappeared, never to return :?

Mind you the cost of keeping 130+ Rabbits over the last 21 years has been a tad more expensive than the cost of a 21 year supply of anthistime tabs :lol:
Ideally suited to segregation or open-plan living, excellent floor insulation, plenty of space for many beds and chairs, light and airy, neutral decor.
Obviously there are a lot of Estate Agents in the making on this thread !! :lol:

I'd love to see the look on an EA's face as they looked around my house if I requested a valuation on it :lol:
Haha! I am going to have to get our place valued in the not too distant future. Our dining room has 6 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits in, oh and 2 hamsters!!
Haha! I am going to have to get our place valued in the not too distant future. Our dining room has 6 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits in, oh and 2 hamsters!!

We also need to get our flat valued- we have 2 indoor house rabbits. However it looks a bit less hayey and extreme than Jane’s :D
An estate agent should say that this is "a home - not a house. It is clearly filled with an abundance of love - for all things" and that is what makes a house a home. I think it's wonderful what you have done - safety, security, warmth and tons of space. It's perfect - and that's what matters for you and your rabbits. :love: