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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Ebuny has myxi

i really hope he gets better soon..its awful this myxi outbrak..its getting worse and worse every year:(
the house bunnies are the ones who least catch it..but ive had a couple of mosquitos make it thru the front door as i come in...and we had a few fleas on buns and cats..from cat from next door and their dog...but thats not heir fault..theyre deflead too..just one walkies and the fleas come home with dog or other cats pass them to kitty etc..been a toughyear for fleas..ha i got me steam cleaner replaced now..no excuse! and a drawer full of Advantage!

mine havent even been outside due to garden fiasco..im glad now they havent..weve had wild buns appear in the fields near our house never usually!

theres nothing you can do..youve done youre best dont beat yurself up..now its up to vet and treatments and buns resolve to survive. well be keeping fingers crossed..and to the others here with myxi buns.
Sorry to hear about Ebunny :( , just read the thread, It sounds as if he's recovering already, I hope so and that he's back to normal soon x
That's great news that Ebuny seems to be getting better, i'm sure the worst part is over & it'll be steady improvement from now on :D
He is sniffling more now and having huge sneezing fits. I do not know what to do. I am tempted to take time off work tomorrow.
I would... I don't think I could go knowing my bun was that poorly... maybe some good old fashioned TLC will greatly assist with the recovery xxx
Well Ebuny now has an upper respiratory infection to deal with. Vets are still treating him. I am loosing hope. I hate watching him suffer :cry: I had prepared myself to make the decision today. I just hope he pulls through.

I am not coping well. I want to be positive but he is so poorly. The vets would tell me if he had no chance wouldn't he?
Aw Jacqui. I was so sorry to read the latest update. I don't know what to say, really, but I'm thinking of you .
yes am sure they would they wouldn't want him to suffer either but if they think it is still worth the fight then it must be. My two bun have myxi at the mo as well its horrid to see them going through this so i know how you are feeling try to stay positive although know its hard good luck
The vets would tell me if he had no chance wouldn't he?

Any self respecting vet would let you know when they think it's time to stop treatment, they must believe he has a chance of surviving.It's amazing what animals can recover from when they have the right treatment & attentive carers.I really hope he makes it :)
Well bathed his eyes today pulled off the dead fur and cleaned the puss from his eyes. Then started clearing his nose. I picked his boogies and out came loads of puss and snot. Needless to say he is sneezing less and breathing better at the moment. His eyes are starting to be able to open and he comes out for cuddles and jumps out for treats. I hope this means he is on the mend. He is still lumpy.
Thats a positive sign then :D my two rabits have myxi to one of them has just been given the all clear so they do survive it my other one is not out of the woods yet but the vet seemed hopeful good luck i hope your bun continues to improve
Well thought I would update you all. His eyes are not running now it seems. His sniffles are a lot less than before. He is still lifeless and shallow breathing but is eating and drinking still. Even hopped to go for a wee. Thanks for all your thoughts and well wishes. I hope it is helping him to recover.

I went to the vets again today for more things and the girls had another boster but they seem to be all clear.

sorry to hear Ebuny is so poorly gently scritches too him.

is it normal practivce for vets to give 2 boosters to 'possibly' at risk rabbits?

if they all had there jabs in june surely another 2 is worse :?

goodluck and keep us updated
Last weekend my rabbit was also rushed to the emergency vet with myxi. It is rife everywhere. You only have to look on here to see any rabbit, any where is at risk.
I also agree I don't think the vet would offer meds if he was not a hopeful case.
I completely know how you are feeling and just wanted to wish you the best of luck for his recovery and say stay positive for him;) . It sounds like you are doing a great job keeping him comfatable.
Well went to the vets at 4 on Monday to hear a man balling his eyes out. Was very upsetting. The receptionist said we would have to wait for the nurse (they give the drugs now to save money as the vet cannot do anymore). The man left and I was so choked. The vet came out and said I will see Ebuny and I thought oh ok, well thats good.

So he asked about how he was an I was honest about he had gone off water and dried food but is now back on both and happier in himself, but looks worse in his eyes (his nose is much better). He said he was still hydrated and was much brighter in himself as I called him and he jumped out and cuddled up (he is such a star).

He gave him only antibiotics s he does not feel he needs the anti imflamotories anymore (which must be a good thing). His eyes were ll gunked up and I explained how we bathed them and I was worried I made it worse, but he assured me I hadn't and too keep at it. So he gave me some eye drops to help clear it and is going to flush his tear ducts as they are blocked from the swelling. It was grosse as when he pulled the eye lids puss oozed out and he wiped it away.

So I then went on to how hard it is for me to keep morale up after having people tell me I am cruel, he is suffering, put him down etc (my mum being the worse one). He said he is still happy enough, he does look horrible but there is not much scabbing so doubts there will be much scarring. He says things are going down but the eye infection does not help.

He then went on to tell me he had just put down this mans dog who was not going to come back and how he would make the decision if he really had no hope. I asked him about him only seeing one pull through. He said it was more a case of people giving up on the rabbits with it and having them put down. Which upset me. He said he admired my determination and the fact I am willing to put the money in to making him better. I then asked if I was doing the right thing. He replied well your not doing the wrong thing. I guess that is because there are no certainties. He put it to me if you had smll pox would you want to be dead. Some people survived and although didn't look perfect still had a great life. Ebuny is so young and if he survives will have a super life ahead of him. I was in tears by this point. Relieved I was doing the right thing. I had got so wound up with everything and he just made me feel better.

So went to pay (after 30mins in with the vet) to find the bill was only£8.20. I was confused he came out and said his time was free and the eye drops are on him. His good deed to feel better after putting the old poorly dog down. I gave him a big hug.

Went to the vets today and he decided he could not safely flush his tear ducts under local and Ebuny is not well enough to do general. He was amazed at how Ebuny looks compared to Monday :D He wants to see him Tuesday and thinks if he carries on doing so well he will be off injections and onto baytril which is an oral antibiotic :D That has to be a good thing :)

Bad news is he has a permenant thickening of the eyelids. So he will never be back to looking gorgeous, but all looks good to living a long and happy life :D
when hes all better, and loves you more for fighting with him... im sure youll see its not the wrong decision as long as he wants to live :)

i like to think if i every have to face this ill have your courage XXXX
:D :D :D YAYHYYYYY!!! Superb hun! Sounds like Ebuny is fighting it for you and sounds like you have a great vet too. WONDERFUL NEWS:D :D :D .