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Eating, but not at normal rate/he's gone

I'd syringe some boiled (cooled till warm) water for now, plus peppermint tea. You might be able to get the gut moving again but obviously prepare for a possible vet visit.
You could try a bit of massage/infacol then and monitor him a bit longer. Keep offering tempting moist greens and herbs: these will help hydrate him too. I assume he is indoors now? You could always phone the emergency clinic for advice too, but ultimately you know him best which is why I say trust your instincts. By the way you didn't answer whether he'd had his teeth checked lately :)
Fudge was like this a while ago, Not eating but did eat a little carrot and drank only from a bowl. She was laying down in a corner and not wanting to move. her tummy felt squishy not bloated so i sat with her for a little while and after a few tummy rubs she produced these horrid looking poops and after she passed them she was fine. I think it was maybe the broccoli that caused it, so avoiding that from now on.

Its your decision on what you think is best, you know him better than anyone so its your choice.
Its a pitty you dont have pain relief because it would of helped a little.
Just back, not good at the moment he had 3 injections, I have to syringe feed him through the night he has a week course of baytril and some stuff called bio lapis to mix with water for 5 days :cry:
Good luck. Hopefully you'll see some poo soon. Did the vet give painkiller? I'm assuming it was one of the injections. And did the vet give any fluids (eg sub cut?)

The main thing is to get some fluids in - I wouldn't personally worry so much about food, but getting fluid in. Dehydrated bunnies deteriorate fast.
Gurgling can be good - means the gut is at least doing something. I've just edited my previous post (sorry to confuse).
Good luck. Hopefully you'll see some poo soon. Did the vet give painkiller? I'm assuming it was one of the injections. And did the vet give any fluids (eg sub cut?)

The main thing is to get some fluids in - I wouldn't personally worry so much about food, but getting fluid in. Dehydrated bunnies deteriorate fast.

they gave him
Something else
And to take home, the bio lapis and critical care
Can I start on the biolspis now after all he's had? She said it's basicly yakault for rabbits.
You can give the Bio Lapis - it's a probiotic, yes. It's also a way of getting more fluids into the bun. Doesn't sound like sub cut fluids were given. Did the vet check for dehydration?

I had to google Norocarp - I didn't realise it was another name for Rimadyl (painkiller).
they gave him
Something else
And to take home, the bio lapis and critical care
Can I start on the biolspis now after all he's had? She said it's basicly yakault for rabbits.
Metoclopramimide is a gut stimulant, baytril an antibiotic and norocarp an anti-inflammatory (painkiller).
It's fine to give the biolapis now, it is a pre/probiotic.
Gut sounds are usually a good sign, it shows that things are moving.
It's going to be a long night, you'de better make some coffee.... keep him warm and give him gentla tummy rubs to see if it helps.
Good luck...:)
yes she did, he's a bit dehydrated, will get the biolspis into him now, she checked his teeth and they are a bit long but not long enough to cause pain.